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Nightmaster 800 - With a Filter...?


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The background...


I've a Nightmaster 800 with a White and a Red LED


I've also a Pulsar Challenger GS 1x20 with DSA


Coupled with a Nikkon ProStaff EFR




The Story...


I bought the L-808 IR Laser, and wasn't impressed with range so sent it back


I Begrudge spending money on the IR pill for the NM800, when from what I have read, it may or may not work due to the different IR wavelength requirements.




So, I'm thinking...


Could I couple an IR camera lens filter with a wavelength of around 800nm to the NM800 on white to give me a IR usable beam out to 100/150 yrds...?



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Being honest NO i had the same set up and i have to say i was well disapointed i found that the pulsar challenger works on a frequancy in the 700 range i spent a lot of money for nothing sold the lot and bought a N550 with a doctor bod lens best thing i ever did.

Good luck

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That's interesting I hadn't thought about issues such as that. A filter wouldn't be a great idea and they aren't hugely effective. If you have some developed blank 35mm film knocking around (at the end if a reel). Put that over the lens for the same effect (close enough to try anyway).

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