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Shortening Bipod


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A couple of weeks ago I asked about shortening a bipod. Well I had a go tonight and here are the pictures and instructions if anyone else wants to do it. It turned out to be much easier than I thought, if anyone can wield a hacksaw and a pair of pliers you have all the skills needed :good: .


Strip the legs down. Mine had a small concave brass plate under the pinch screw, don't loose it when it falls out. Then mark off how long it wants to be. I cut about 135mm off mine. Cut the leg sections down to the marks and file them so they are square. I cut off the top of the outer leg and the bottom of the inner. The outer had the release and pinch screw at the bottom and the inner was slightly domed over for the lock at the top, so cutting the other ends was the simplest solution.


I just snipped the spring at the mark and then bent 2 coils so they were upright and formed a loop.


Re-drill the holes for the pins mine were 7mm and 3.2mm top and bottom.


Then it's just a case of putting it back together, don't forget the pinch plate. I had to use a thin hook to get the internal spring out and get the loop over the pin, a paper clip would probably work well.


Then I marked where the new notch needed to go for the folding spring and did a shallow cut with the hacksaw. Reattach the spring and do the same for the other leg.


Bobs your uncle and Fannys your aunt. All in all it took about 45mins to do both legs. The legs are now just under 9" when closed and just under 16" when open.




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