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Hi guys


I went out today sun shining loads of birds on both stubble and disced beat field (last years all in seed), I stood and watched ,claped the pigeons off the fields they lifted off circled round and settled back in, I did this two or three times. So I set up at the end of a short hedge so that I could shoot both stubble and ploughed field a group of decoys in both fields.


I sat waiting for the birds to arrive. then the farmer started to bust out the the headlands arround the ploughed field meaning that when I pack up it would be a long walk back to the car , and the other farmer from the stubble field was flaling the ditches . So it was tractors up and down both fields.


after a nap and cleaning my gun it was peace at last the ONE AND ONLY BIRD TO DECOY DROPPED with my Reo 32 6's I sat there for a little longer watching birds moving about and landing in other parts of the stubble field . They where not flairing off or vearing away they just didn't want to be back where they wher feeding arlyer .


Still farmer told me that he is starting to cut the rape on saterday.


All the best guys Martin

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