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Rough Shooting Syndicate

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I would be interested in paying the going rate to join a small friendly rough shooting syndicate in the

North Staffordshire, South Cheshire or West Derbyshire regions. Mainly walked up, maybe with a few released, plus whatever legit wild quarry fur and feather is available. I would be happy to get my hands dirty and help out on work parties etc.


Do such opportunities exist? How do you find them (tried guns on pegs)? And what would be the going rate for such a shoot if I did find one? I have a 14mth ESS that's itching to gain more experience on live shoots

Edited by Leektown0
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  • 3 months later...

I would be interested in paying the going rate to join a small friendly rough shooting syndicate in the

North Staffordshire, South Cheshire or West Derbyshire regions. Mainly walked up, maybe with a few released, plus whatever legit wild quarry fur and feather is available. I would be happy to get my hands dirty and help out on work parties etc.


Do such opportunities exist? How do you find them (tried guns on pegs)? And what would be the going rate for such a shoot if I did find one? I have a 18mth ESS that's itching to gain more experience on live shoots

Edited by Leektown0, 02 January 2014 - 12:48 AM.

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  • 2 months later...

If your interested I have syndicate places available at £350 over 6 days £10 on day for keeper. Mainly wild birds but do release pheasant and partridge im at doncaster message bkmif interested

regards Aaron

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