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Chicken Food v Pheasant Food

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I was lucky enough to be invited recently to a cracking shoot, where I heard that they feed chicken food instead of pheasant food. I didn't quite get the full story, but I am presuming they meant instead of poult pellets.


Can anyone shed some light on this? Is it a viable option? I'm told there isn't much difference in nutritional value, but the difference in cost is quite significant. Has anyone tried it? What is the difference in cost?


Many thanks in advance for any advice.

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You are correct it would only work with poults because the coccsidiostats are different in chicken (broiler) feed.

Also chicken pellets are much bigger and might stick in spring feeders if you use them.

You might try pricing up layer pellets at your local feed merchant. They have no medication in them so would be a suitable substitute for poult pellets.

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Is someone connected to the shoot a chicken farmer, who buys the pellets in bulk and passes on the savings? I don't think chicken pellets would be much cheaper than pheasant pellets, by the bag. If there were real savings to be made, everyone would be feeding chicken pellets to their pheasant poults

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