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Good start to the season


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Hi all,


Myself and Passionforangling, were long due to go out, for a bit of wildfowling, we been checking a couple of places that we have been in the past, a few ducks and one night while visiting I hear the hoink hoink.


We decided to travel south of us for an evening outing, hoping for the goose to show up just before dusk, knowing how ego is Passionforangling to roast them.


We arrived at the designated spot by 5.30/6 pm, got comfy and waited..............


At 7.40 pm, I looked at Passionforangling and said....did you hear that....usual look from him, its in your head Mark, but within 30 seconds, it wasn't in my head, we could hear them, coming low and to wards us, within a few moment a skein of geese, was approaching....about 20.


We managed to bag 2 on the first skein, after 5 minutes a smaller skein came in, but Passionforangling was chasing a goose....ahahahahahaha no gun in hand, but I was ready and begged another one. We were really happy with the result, especially the hoinkroaster, that was telling me how he was going to cook them....long journey home :lol:







Edited by Highbird70
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