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Wanted - Dog/Gundog Training in Moray area.

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I am due to pick up a cocker spaniel dog pup thats come from a good line of working dogs in the coming week or so. It will be my first dog but not my first exposure to dogs having spent the best part of my life on a sheep farm where my father regularly had around 6 working dogs at any one time, I also spent alot of time at the beating on the estate shoot where I always admired the way the dogs were worked and even some who quite often gained their handlers some earache from the head keeper when the dog ran far ahead and put up a swarm of birds just as the guns were getting out of their vehicles. Being totally honest the dog was bought for a bit of companionship for when im out rough shooting or on the hill etc and anything else would be a complete bonus. Im not overly worried about the dog as im sure its pretty much going to do what nature intended and do its bit but its more to stop me having bad habits and passing them onto the dog. Any steer in the right direction would be much appreciated to a local trainer or school etc.

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