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Hampshire - Missing Serviceman Danny Johston


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Please could I ask anyone out and about in the SDNP, particularly in a swath around the South Downs Way between Butser Hill and Winchester, to keep an eye open for any sign of ex-serviceman Danny Johnston who has been missing for 2 days now - apparently travelling on foot back to Herefordshire. Please check the old barn or out building you may walk past whilst stalking etc.
Clearly a very well respected man judging by the huge turn out at Queen Elizabath Park to search for him today.

Thank you

He is described as white, 6', of medium build and with very short shaven hair.
He was wearing a beige baseball cap, dark blue puffa jacket, blue jeans and Asics trainers.
Daniel is heavily tattooed on both arms and his back. One of his legs is fully tattooed with geometrical designs and 'Blues Brothers' just above his left ankle.

missing poster - low res.jpg

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