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Webley Longbow


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Hi there,

sorry im new to all this, i already posted this in the airgunners section but i just realised that this section might be more appropriate, but i was just wondering if anybody out there knows much about the Webley Longbow, i havnt got all that much experience in shooting but i really want to get into it (rabbits & pigeons hopefully) and was wondering if this gun is any good, as i have been reading a few magazines and chatted to the guy in my local gunsmiths and it seems quite good, but the worrier in me thinks maybe he was just trying to sell me anything he could!

Is it that good a gun, or could i be looking for something else for around the same price (£250ish) which would be better? I am also looking to spend around 40 pound on a scope, so any advice there would be great too.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, ive been reading many of the posts on here over the last couple of days and look forward to hopefully joining in soon!

Thanks for any help in advance


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