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Theoben Stainless Steel AMT 10/22 clone .22rf


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 Tentatively looking to sell this after 12 years of ownership as I really could do with making some room in the cabinet for another rifle.

It is a stainless steel clone of a Ruger 10/22 made by the Arcadia Machine Tool company and I believe modified by Theoben. I've come across a few of these in various guises but only ever seen this Theoben version, so a bit unusual. It's in excellent condition and can be a bit fussy with subsonics due to the match benz chamber, but it absolutely loves RWS HP subs and cycles them faultlessly despite their relatively low velocity.

I'm hoping I'm pricing this fairly sensibly at £425, given the current state of the s/h gun market. That is a fair bit less than I paid for it back in 2012.







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