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Webley Raider .22


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Webley Raider, 2000 pellets through it from new, walnut stock, Falcon divers bottle, bottle adaptor, Webley Ezi Pump, Deerfield Scope 3-9x50, scope mounts, leather sling, gun bag, silencer, Tracer Compact lamping kit, cleaning rods, chronograph and steel zeroing target. Best hunting rifle i have ever owned. But I'm not hunting anymore...£330 ono, I'm in Colchester, and they won't let you post compressed air, so it'll need to be collected.

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If I remember correctly from my diving days, you never EVER want to take all the pressure out of bottle, otherwise moisture gets in, bottle rusts, goes kaboom, world ends. And the rifle is technically a compressed air cylinder too. But I'll check for you, maybe a courier comapny would do it, I don't know. In fact, I seem to remember that Webley couried it to me, so they must be able to do it. Might be pricey though mate. :huh:

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Mate, that might be a lot easier, my brother is in Kennington, which is I think is near Chiswick? I'll ask him, it shouldn't be too hard to get it to him, if thats any good. If you are def interested, let me know, and I'll make enquiries. And, I dunno about you, but after seeing how bad some of our kit from work turns up after the couriers have booted it about, it'd be better for the gun not to go through them...And I think it could be expensive, the bottle alone weighs a bit.

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Redduke! I have had a think and it seems it is going to be to much hassel and expence, I had a word with the couriers for my brothers Company and they said they can be posted empty but you get a surgharge it will cost me over a hundred quid! and you would have the hassel sorting out the packaging, so sorry mate it's not worth any of us getting hassel. IT is a shame though cos it would have done me fine. Hope it sells for you .


BIG BILL :huh:

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