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Extractor problem.


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Gunsmith has tried to fix the extractor on my 12g PedrettiI bought it without trying it.It only lifts the spent shell a small way.I can get a finger nail under it but its sticking so much I have to lever it out with my knife or key. He has been unable to loosen the big screws which the barrel hinges on despite using his usual tricks of the trade. Before I send it off to Saddlery and gunroom (I did not buy it there but its moderated by them) is it a major fix? It looks like someone has had a screwdriver at said screws by the way.Thanks.

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Sorry,its a non ejector. If wd40 could fix this I would be delighted mate. Someone has cocked up the extractor good style.thanks though.The little pins in the slide assembly look mis shaped.The rest of the gun is fairly pristine.

Edited by vole21
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well try the wd40 to soak them but if looking out of shape maybe the gun has been abused by previous owner and that would not be a quick fix they would need to be removed at looked at more closely

ive not yet come across any that have been out of shape as they usually made from good steel

but if you can remove them try cleaning them more with some very fine wet and dry and oil instead of water

hope this will help you with your problem

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Thanks R 1 H. Its in the hands of my local rfd who cant even sort it so being a hushpower its going to the makers who are offering to help despite it not being sold by them. I only hope it is not a write off probably due to an attempted botched fix.The small bolts that slide up and down the small slit on the sides of the chamber look mis shapen.I need the experts to sort it as its the likes of me that probably caused the damage.

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