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brooks trigger kit fitting


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It's really up to you.


I hated the stock pull and weight, but I did not want something that was so light the gun my go off with a breath of wind, so I just went down to the second heaviest one and the second longest pull. Both guns had that treatment and they are both far improved over the original settings.


The only thing I can reccommend is that you try them all to see which one suits you best, but I would say that you should try actually shooting the rifle at the new setting. It's a bind putting the thing back together each time, but it's the only way you'll get the proper feel. for what has happened.

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Red tube & 4th or 3rd spring.

Carefull takeing the pins out, allso you might need to trim the ends with a dremmel if theve been peened over.

Don't remove the sear, I repeat don't remove the sear.

Instructions on the Brooks site.


Or get one of these.







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