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Hey all,


Any one lucky enough to own one, have fired or played with one and have any comments about them?


I'm still bimbling about laying out on a top end PCP having been smitten by having far too much fun with a friends Rapid MKII, fallen in love with the look and heft of the MFR and S-Type and the general clinical beauty of them compared to springers/gas rams.


I've spent nearly or over a year now reading up, weighing up pros and cons of various PCPs, changing my mind and so on and on the advice of many (and due to me wanting not to repeat mistakes i've made in other purchasing areas of my life) i'm totally avoiding any possibility of 'buy cheap buy twice' and going all out balls to the wall and going for it, a dream rifle I know is gonna make me totally happy and satisfied. God knows i've been saving long enough!


I'm after my 'keeper' here and this has lead me to the BTAS HFT400.



Anyone have any comments or views on this potential madness? :good:


I like everything i've heard and read about Ben Taylor, his ethos, his drive and unending pursuit of perfection and it really hits home to me. For that I kind of feel duty bound in some way to put my hard earned towards him in some way be that a Taylored Rapid/MFR/S-Type or the HFT400 which epitomises, to me, the ultimate pursuit of PCP perfection. (although i'm still not sure about the stock, I still love the simple clean lines of the S-type stock..)


Am I daft? :lol:


Any comments or thought on any of my gibbering above welcome..

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Hi Bullet Boy,


The HFT idea is out of the window anyways so i'll likely be going down the Rapid route as you've suggested I think.


However, as someone looking to purchase from Ben I'm obviously curious as to your experience with BTAS' customer service and surprised to hear you slating him given what i've read and heard. What's your experience with them and what aspect of their customer service was rubbish?

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No problem with BTAS,it was when Ben Taylor was with Theoben was when i had problems!When i first bought my Rapid the rifle leaked.Then when i got the rifle back the safety catch didnt work.I spoke to Mr Taylor immediately who said that it was my fault that the catch didnt work,when i`d just taken the rifle out of the box-,WHAT A CHEEK!!I had to convince him otherwise-and even then i felt he didnt believe me!!For me i didnt get the customer service i felt i deserved after handing over a lot of hard earned cash for an air-rifle!It seems when you speak to him,its like if your not good enough!So if you say he`s ok,then he must have had a wake-up call and thought i gotta treat my customers better!!!!!!!

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