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went foxing yesterday


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well went foxing last night forgot to take lamp aswell so ended up going round in 4x4

speaking to farmer he says foxes are back again so had good wander around never seen any foxes

maybe next time i should take me lamp not to worry im sure he will still be there somewhere (al get him next time )

anyway took my neices man up with me both of us had s/b shotguns and i had my 243 aswell just as it was turning dusk

i heard in the distance the gaggle of geese must of been around 40-50 of them but had no chance of any of them as they were to high

but sitting waiting in the hedgerow waiting to see if any sighn of the fox showing him self which he didnt

heard the gaggeling of geese again within a minuite or so they were upon us about 40 feet up

and bang went both our guns and bagged a nice candadian goose

then went for a drive around again and bagged a lovely hare my brother been asking for a few rabbits etc so he was over the moon when landed on his door with the hare and also gave him the goose aswell


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