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CZ452 Uprated Firing Pin Springs


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I recently imported a few of these from the US.


Here is the website description:


"This striker spring will decrease lock time and improve firing pin strike and ignition. Quite a few CZ rimfire rifles suffer from weak ignition. Our engineer was not impressed with the factory spring when he ran it through an analysis. We sent him a factory spring that had not been installed in a bolt, and the spring out of our 452 Varmint. The one out of the Varmint had taken an incredible amount of set. Our spring is a vast improvement over the factory spring. We used the best chrome silicone wire available and increased the power ten percent. Like all our springs it is heat treated and preset for consistent performance shot after shot. This is an inexpensive upgrade for a great series of rifles."



And here is the website:




I have 3 left. To import one spring by mail will cost you $32.90 (About £17) - see website.


To fit the .22LR, .22WMR, .17 HMR & .17 Mach 2.



£12.00 posted per spring.

Edited by charadam
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