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10 Bore


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I paid £300 for two 10 bores from an advert on guntrader, ones a Lincoln other a Gunmark Kestrel (nothing amazing but do the job). Both in tip-top cond. with 32" barrels. Although l would say that if you are planning to put steel shot through them take a knowledgable person with you if you are buying private as mine were unsuitable for steel untill l had the chokes openned up on the barrels. These older guns are usually Full & Full. £70 at most gunsmiths sorted the barrels and your ready.


SP10's (the main auto's used) are usually steel ready etc. most are M/c but you can expect to pay anything up to £700-800 for a working second hand one! Be careful with the wood work on most as that is generally where they break across the grip, a mate of mines just had to buy a scrap stock for his Matador (AYA) as it was treated roughly by its previous owner.


Carts are another thing entirely decent Bismuth (2/3's) are in the region of £20 for 10 (last time l bought some / havent in a while) - Steel is about the same (which is why you'll find a lot of 10bore owners load their own!)


Hope that helps - oh and shoot one before you buy (and get the feel of the weight) brandishing one of these babies for 3/4 hours in a wet cold reed bed is a tiresome - Both of mine have swivel sling attachments for good reason!


Good thing is though 60 yards is nothing for one of these - l use one for Foxes sometimes and have nailed a fox at 68 yards stone dead.


Good luck!



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