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Went out yestaday morning, froze really hard, but the sun was out and it was a really nice day. i went with my grandad and his dog benny. When we got there we walked upto a pit to see if there was any duck on, and two malard got up, i shot at the first one and it came down and them missed the second one :good: . The dog quickly retreived the duck from the water. the freezing cold water didnt stop him diving in sooner him than me haha. We did another rough area and nothing came out. we walked further across the stubble fields hopiing that some partridge would get up but nothing did! We then worked the rough round another pond and a cock pheasant came out which my grandad shot at and missed, i was quick to wind him up :good:

We walked along a long ditch that was overgrown and the dog was very keen so i had a feeling something was in or had been. Then a woodcock came flying out zigzaging from side to side i took one shot and it was down stone dead which the dog had already marked and went straight to it and retrieved it by then we had done everywhere and was cold and ready for home but had been a good morning. :good:





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