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Starting Some Great Fly Fishing Deals


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Lo all.


Aint been around for a while. New baby Son can do that sometimes :lol: . The only shooting I managed to do was the first week in September for the ducks. Bloody good day it was too. 47 Duck , a mix of Mallard and Teal. 2 guns. The dog was priceless and hardly missed a bird. So while sitting in over the winter, I have good deals for anyone who fishes.


Just starting out on the Ebay scene. I am going to sell Fly Fishing Gear and Shooting Clothing. Just started yesterday with Airflo's New range of T7 reel. Check it out.


Can do private sales, but would prefer to do it through Ebay.


Item no: 7128441900 or search for Airflo T7


Will be selling all sorts of gear and at UNBEATABLE PRICES !!


I know this is a shooting forum (Most of the shooters i know also fish :lol: )


Bye fer now


Browners :oops:

Edited by Browners
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