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I have just brought a springer pup, she is now 16 weeks old I have been following the Joe Irvin book, so far she will sit stay, retrive a sock to hand, return on the come command, leave it, get in etc as instructed by the book for her age, there is nothing in the book to get her to sit on the whistle, when should this training start? I know it is importantant not to rush the training, I just want to get it right

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I tend to go through a few stages of training- Lets take the comand sit for example-


1st- Getting the pup to sit using voice and hand signal-


2nd- Once the pup is sitting on its own with the voice and hand signal move on to just hand signal.


3rd- Once the pup is sitting on its own with just hand signal, introduce the whistle with the hand signal.


4th- Once you are confident enough that the pup understand the whistle and does as it is meant to, stop using the hand signal.


Always go back to the hand siignal if the pup moves once you have pipped the whistle to re inforce the command.


You are right, do not rush the pup and don't get frustrated if it is not picking it up straight away, this process, for me, takes a couple months before the pup is sure of the whistle

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What i did was to introduce the whistle at food time.

Give her the sit command and then a quick blow on the whistle, eventually remove the voice command and just use the whistle fo sit at food time, im sure the pup will soon understand what is required.


Have Fun

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