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.243 question


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if you have the slot for .243 then you can get it as the caliber is the same its just the case that is different

they use short cases in the wssm as oposed to the standard .243 winchester case

hope this helps


I think you're wrong here.


You must have the correct caliber noted on your FAC. i.e .243Win, .243AI, .243WSSM in order to purchase said caliber.

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I think you're wrong here.


You must have the correct caliber noted on your FAC. i.e .243Win, .243AI, .243WSSM in order to purchase said caliber.



well when i got my varaition on my fac to get a 243 all i put on was .243 cal rifle for fox and deer control there was nothing saying which type of cartridge i had to have

a 243 is a 243 in northumbria`s eyes


the caliber is the size of the bullet that comes out the barrel not the brass case so i cant see how 2 :243bullets can be different calibers

but then again maybe be different rules for different countys


varmintator maybe the best thing to do is ask local feo or local gunsmith as this may cause a lot of confusion

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In "the old days" you had to specify the actual cartridge name ie .308 was different to 7.62x51, .223 was different to 5.56 etc. Thankfully, these days are gone/going.


GMP (my local authority) say a 243 is a 243 regardless of its case design.


I had a .243 on my FAC and bought a 243wssm without any problem


I also has a .30 on my FAC as I wanted a .300 weath mag. When the RFD let me down, I bought a .300wsm with no problems.


When I queried it, they told me they now go off the calibre and not the case length/case design/case capacity. The new computer system being rolled out throughout the police authorities recognises a 243 as a 243 and a 30 as a 30 so the authorities are following suit.


If in doubt, ring your FLO. They are very helpful in these matters

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I stand corrected!!!


My FAC just came back from variation and I have a slot for a 6.5.


Having said that this particular 6.5 is a new Wildcat so maybe I got the 6.5 because it didn't fit any other description?


It is best to do as Manc-munsters suggests and ask the advice of your own FEO.

Edited by Browning
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