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70 Year old Diana

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Diana Model 27 - .177 calibre stamped made in Germany. I have been told that the gun is about 60 to 70 years old? I stand to be corrected.


The gun is 40.25 inches long and the barrel is 17.25 inches long. I cannot find any serial number anywhere on it. The barrel and cylinder have no blueing left but they have attained that old steel look. The stock has a warm patina but it has a few dings on it which have come with age - nothing serious. Unfortunately, there is a split about 2.5 inches long where the wood is machined out to receive the cocking lever. It does not cock properly every time so there is an issue with this. Having said that, it doesn't seem much of a problem and it shoots quite sweetly. Anyway, I want to sell it and I have been looking through the "collectible gun" archives and it looks like the going rate is about £60. So I would like £50 plus postage.


Now Sold thanks for the interest.




Edited by leftandright
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