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disappointing afternoon

Epic Fail

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i was out tonight from half 5 until half 8 with the stirling .22...

started walking from the bottom right of my largest permission looking for some cover

i had hid myself 5 or 6 times behind different field boundries which are around 5 foot high of thick bushes or trees where i thought i could not have possibly been seen by anything


every time i poked my barrel through the bush to take a shot on a bird or a rabbit they would somehow see it and everything would disappear or fly right over my head

(and the barrel and mod are matt black so there would be no reflections)

if i had taken my shotty i would have probably come back with 2 full black bin bags with the ammount of crows and pigeons the flew off in each group :good:


i did however manage to bag myself 1 rabbit and 1 pigeon with the .22 :good: and my grandmother is in the middle of skinning them for her supper tomorrow...


it was a stunning afternoon out though and i managed to take one decent photo from just as i started to walk around


this is taken from the bottom right corner of the permission

the size of it it

Straight ahead of the photo the boundry is 1200 Yards

to the left of the photo 2000 yards

to the right of the photo 1000 yards

and behind the photo the boundry is 450 yards


a pretty big piece of land... i will get lots more photos soon


Edited by angelotambini
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it is a stunning piece of land and only about 2 miles down the road from me too :good:

i should have taken the shotty along too but i got as far as one frield and it was too warm to carry it along so i took it back to the car

Edited by angelotambini
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