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Roe deer; several taken

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It has been a while since i posted but been busy with work and more importantly (at least for you guys) with hunting and shooting. Been to germany 2 times and had a lovely time at Frankenwald. I have been coming here the last 6 years and always really enjoyed myself. The permission belongs to an elderly gentleman who cannot hunt himself due to illness. So he invites me and a friend to hunt the roedeer. After the hunt he likes to hear how things went and we tell him the story and drink a few beers. This way he keeps a connection with the hunt.

We, my mate and i, are always staying at a small hotel and the owner introduced us to the local hunting club. They want to lease out a hunting area next year and asked us if we would be interested. The current holder stops because (again) old age (he is 75). We went round it last time with the chairman of the "club" and it really looks promising. Not to big (430 hectares) but it has potential (loads of borders with woodland and meadow and situated on the south slopes). If it is not too expensive we might lease it next year. In germany these things go for a period of 9 or 12 years, so you have to be sure. Things to consider are damage to crops because of the wild boar destroying and eating it (hunters must pay for damages unfortunately), arrangements with the locals for hit and run accidents with roe or wild boar etc...


I enclose some pictures of my recent trip. Maybe a story with it next time, sorry. :good:




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