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Don't go there...ever.


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Hello all


I recently lost my much-loved Patterdale terrier Louie after an extremely sudden illness, and I decided to have a look around some dog rescue centres last weekend.

First port of call was Blackberry Farm, near Waddesdon, Bucks - run by the RSPCA. Despite the fact that the organisation is the complete enemy of fieldsports, I have to say they were very professional, and not at all judgmental when I mentioned I would be gun training the dog I eventually get. I left the place really impressed.


I wish I could say the same thing of the Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary, at Stadhampton just off the M40. The place is like (and this is not too much of an exaggeration) Auschwitz, complete with smoking oven in full view. I have never seen anything like it. The conditions they keep their animals in are appalling.


Has anyone else experienced this? I can't believe the place is allowed to stay open.





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