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New permission - Roads and footpaths


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I would like some advice from the more experienced of you. I just got myself a new permission here in Devon for vermin. Its a great 300 acres 5 mins from home. The farm borders the Dartmoor national park. I plan to go for mostly rabbits with a moderated 22. My FAC is closed and I checked with D&C firearms team and the land has been cleared for centerfire so my Rimy or HMR if I need wont be a problem. The issue as I see it is there is an enormous dual carriage way running through it and a couple of footpaths.


Apart from the extra caution to ensure I'm not shooting across or towards the road/ foot path are there any specific laws I need to be aware of? I'm a bit nervous of being out for an afternoon shoot an finding some little old lady calling in an armed response unit. One of the foot paths looks to be pretty busy.

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hi ive been reading what you have said,personally i would say it would be ok if you piont out these areas to the feo so he knows you are fully aware of them.and id say he will be ok,,goodluck mate

you will get more information from more qualified people on here,mine is what i would think personally.

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not sure on the rules for FAC on SGC you must be a minimum of 50ft from the centre of the road, use google earth to find you minumum distances. In fact google earth is very useful for a few things like that.

Other than the 50ft rule to my knowledge there isn't a problem with footpaths other than the obvious don't be shooting over peoples heads etc. You could set up on the path, i am sure someone on here commented before that they set up on a path just to make sure that they are noticed and don't surprise anyone. I have a very simmilar field with a footpath, a road and some houses.

I am very cautious of where shot will land and have strict self imposed fields of fire. As I say though I shoot SGC not FAC I am not too sure how the rules differ. Be cautious, research and get the other guys on here to give you a hand.

Edited by danccooke
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