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  1. I wouldn't have but when he keeps taking money of ur wages and £700 in December for things you've not had you dont really have much choice. Thanks for the offer we will have to keep in touch and see what we can sort out.
  2. Hi all, i left my job on jan 5th, the boss was being a ******. Been at home looking ever since with no joy yet. Got an interview on monday so need to see what happens. Anyway to the point of the post. If i have no joy on Monday could really do with getting out for some shooting, been staring at the same 4 walls for to long now. My shooting buddy that i normaly fo out with has been ill and all the land we shoot is his perms. So if anyone would be willing to let me go with them i would be really greatful. I have sgc, insurance and own decoys can travel but not to far fuel costs as no money coming in and free if poss even if its just a morning, afternoon or roost just a few hours out the house. I'm in Ramsbottom Bury Lancashire area. Thanks in advance for any offers Chris
  3. Could be interested pending on sale of my .410 if still available.
  4. Andy any chance of scaning the pages appropriate for 32g no6 in 12g and 34gish of no5 in 12g. Thanks.
  5. Was going to use plastic wads I find they pattern better.
  6. Hi all, I've got one 500g of noble no80 and four + abit 500g of no82. I'm looking to make 32g no6 in 12g but am struggling to find recipes and which primers work with it. Any info would be nice or willing to swop for similar amount of moder powder + primers.
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