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About undes596

  • Birthday 18/12/1991

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  • Interests
    Clay shooting, pigeon + crow shooting and driven game
  1. Just sent you a pm asking how much, Count me in adam, if you pm me details and i will turn up
  2. I am also interested in any days you have got to Dave
  3. Sorry neil I never log in to check my emails so was just looking at interest on here.
  4. Im after wild fowling really, but want something around flight ponds or on rivers if possible
  5. If you give me your email address then i can send you detail pictures, and yes its steel proof and i have shot steel 3" magnums through it before!
  6. Just looking out for some duck or goose shooting, never been before and want to give it a go. Will pay good money for a day and will thoroughly appreciate any opportunity! I live in between Newark and Lincoln, but have my own vehicle so within reason will travel to shoot, I Hold a current sgc, have basc insurance and a great passion for shooting! Thanks all!
  7. Thanks for the replies, were not planning on shooting big bags, maybe 50 head and around 5 or 6 shoots, what are we looking at for cover crop now days? And its not 1000acres of woodland its some woodland and some fields. Thanks
  8. Hi all A local gamekeeper has given up his shoot as he is now to old and we have been offered the land to run a diy shoot on it. The land in question is 1000 acres mixed woodland and the land owner wants £2500 for the rights, it was a very successful shoot which were 70 bird days and demanded £1000+ a place for 10 guns which were ALWAYS full. If we decide to to take this shoot on i only have shotguns so I'm guessing i would need a rifle of two for predator and vermin control, what rifle or rifles would you recommend for say mainly foxes and occasional rabbits? Also what quantity of birds would you put down on a first year? Bearing in mind this is not a professional shoot, just a group of pals looking for there own walked up/rough shoot they can go to at there own leisure! Oh and it will be pheasants only! Thanks guys
  9. Does anyone know how i put pictures up of it?
  10. Thanks guys! I owe a big favour i guess haha!!
  11. I am now the proud owner of a browning 425 g5 for...................... £850! My family look after me! I would upload pictures if i knew how!!
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