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    East Sussex
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    Fishing and shooting

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  1. I'm afraid it is ! If you surf the net you will see it for yourself , I could post at least 10 more off the net much like the one above ! Do you work for BASC Gordon ?
  2. I just pasted that on here to show how we as in the public are guilty until we can prove we are innocent and how things get twisted when it comes to revocation ! I thought this was a shooting forum so we could share and help our fellow shooters ! This sort of thing is happening all the time so pretty soon shooting will be only for a very few ! United we stand devided we fall springs to mind here.
  3. Essex got on to the powers to be ! But when I applied to Sussex they tried to contact a certain person at Essex but they wouldn't return the call to my feo
  4. http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/shooting/conservation/gun-certificate-appeals-37772
  5. I hear what you say Jamie but all I am saying it was all ear say some 7years ago ! It was all dropped god only knows why and you know as well as I do if I had done anything wrong my Certs would have been taken then and not 5 years latter then given back and then taken again ! What has happened to me could happen to any person that holds a cert ! I have been doing some reading on the net over the last few days and you would be surprised how many people have had a bad deal! Maybe this post is best forgot as I only wanted to know if BASC had actually help any members regardless of circumstances and as of yet not one person has said yes ! But some private messages have said they also had no help
  6. As I said I only want to know if BASC uses an excuse to every one when they need help ! If a few genuine people come back and say BASC took it all the way for them then I have my answer if not what are they doing with the extra fees we pay as fro April 2013
  7. Can you please tell me how to do this has I have been told that you have to go to high court at a cost of £100,000 so let's hope you never get wrongly accused by an ex girlfriend
  8. Well I feel if you pay for insurance you should be able to claim Gordon !
  9. Of course I did I was the only one out of all the lergitamate gun holders they revoked to take them to court
  10. This is ongoing so that is why I just ask if any one at all in the whole country have had help from BASC as we are all paying more for this help ! I have even offered to pay half
  11. Hi Gordon I don't consider 45 years of shooting man and boy ! Shot gun certain holder from 13 and fac from 17 yrs old a dead horse needless to say I have never been in trouble
  12. I must just add that my firearms officer has been great and believes that I am of good character
  13. It was revoked by Essex on hear say some 5 years after ! I appealed at my expense and lost as I wasn't very well represented by my barrister ! I reapplied some 14 months later in Sussex and was granted I was 100% transparent in my application ! After 4 months Sussex has just revoked due to pressure from Essex
  14. Just wondering if any members have had BASC backing when trying to appeal a certificate revocation ! I myself have had no joy with them even though they made me think they was going to help ! I would just like some feedback about this subject .
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