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About archer12

  • Birthday 18/12/1987

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  • Interests
    Walking dog clay pigeon shooting spending time with my daughter also intrested in finding out more about fac licence
  1. Tracer maxi gun lamp comes with the cables with dimmer switch filters cable extention no battery with lamp goes to tracer lithium battery £50
  2. As far as im aware its on gun not the person
  3. Looking for a second hand deep cabinet with lock top on it anyone no of any thanks
  4. archer12


    Ye was thinking of trying that only wont sumthing 4 rabbits with abit more range then my air gun
  5. archer12


    Thanx for the great advice would it be worth me trying 2 find a local club or is that not the right sort of mentoring
  6. archer12


    How would I go about getting a mentor as most of my friends only have sgc and rest just air guns
  7. archer12


    Is it the amount of land needed or the quality of land that is needed to be successful
  8. archer12


    New to the site been shooting shotguns for a while but never had the oprtunity 2 shoot a fac gun but after watching sum footage on the net think it may b somthing id like 2 get in to so just after abit of advice on how 2 get started
  9. Hi new 2 the site how much is the 410 and were r u from please
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