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hot afternoon


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Had a look at a farm that I shot on Tuesday, got 24 pigeons and a jay that day. Farmer asked me when are you coming back as if he see,s 20 birds he moans . So today went and found a flight line across a stubble but it would be shooting at a motorway. So put decoys well out on my right had a bird come over from behind on a return line shot it and put it on flapper in the stubble also well out , and decided to shoot the return line . Had birds crossing in front but farm buildings and house meant had to let them go , so just shot birds coming over from the back as t is was safe.had some good sport and shot high birds on the return line the flapper and deeks pulled birds over me,the sun was very hot and being at my back birds did not see me till to late. Got 21 not a big bag but great sport.

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