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Posts posted by squintshot

  1. All this fuss and expense to hide under a net, round here looking at some of the fields all you need to do is dress in your scruffiest clothes and stand in the middle of the field. Either that local farmers are **** at scarecrows or the birds are well hard!!!

  2. How about using a fixed mag scope and improving your fieldcraft AK. These more fun to be had out of trying to get as close as you can before pulling the trigger than sitting in a hedge on full mag at the top end of your rifles range. With the "help" of my old boy and advice from my father in law I was using iron sights before being allowed to play with a scope.

  3. My boss and landlord (one and the same) is minted, anicer and more grounded man you couldn't meet. When I voiced interest in starting shooting with a shotgun he told me not waste my money on an expensive gun said he'd had them all purdeys, hollands and most of the rest. Said his favourite gun the one he uses know and takes to all the posh affairs he goes too cost less than £1500. Never flash in fact looks a tink most of the time and always an eye for a bargin.


    not all rich folk are *****, some of the worst just think there rich and like to show off that they are, those that are know they are


    just read it back sounded better in my head!!!

  4. If the scope is moving try packing it with slim peices of very dense foam rubber, this will give a better grip on the scope body.


    Also check you haven't been a total plank and have got 30mm mounts for an inch bodied scope, the clue here is your scope will rattle about more than you **** up a tart!!

  5. During my reading up on air rirles I've leant for accuracy it's very much down too the specific rifle not even model each rifle has it's preference apparently anyway!!


    I also remember reading about one shop that does a selection of pellets of different type, I think it was about ten of each kind, maybe someone else knows who it is that does this.



  6. Christ old rockers reunion forum!!!!


    Mad Springers right take the kids and there mates and when they see you crowd surfing you'll be the coolest dad in town!!!


    My best gig ever was AFI at king tuts in glasgow tiny venue awsome atmosphere crowd could only get 8 deep but there was still a **** load of crowd surfing

  7. Thanks for all your help and advice guys. Have narrowed down the search to a Theoben MFR, Logun MK 11 and the Daystate MK 3. I have used a friends Logun (just the once he's very protective) and liked it lots dut it's a bit close to the top end of my budget not leaving much for accessories, the other two seems to be very good guns and both nice looking, i know it's a bit shallow liking a gun for it's asthetics but I will try before I buy. Just need too then find a suitable scope and bi pod but again all advice has been taken on board.


    Look out bunnies here i come!!!

  8. The wife to be sya it's an air rifle or nothing i tried explaining that it's probably cheaper to buy a rifle but shes not having it so an air rifle of 12 lbs ft it is for know


    an suggestions on scope bi pod etc??

  9. I'm 24 and am absolutly hopeless when it comes to abbreviations (why is that such a long word??). My girlfriend on the other hand is 3 years older than myself and spends her day on a computer and can have whole conversations in 10 letters or less. Her text messages are three lines long where mine are three messages long. A freind of mine has the text message thing sussed you get one or two words back i.e. yes, no or in pub no abbreviation and you know what he means.


    As for the abomination that is know the English languague whats going on there??

  10. How about getting yourself an air soft gun and when no ones looking shoot the little ******* in the **** see how he likes it. If he's not the full shiling anyway you'll do no harm and just deny it!!!


    Not very nice or ethical i know but if someones ill treats my dog they get a boot up the ****!!

  11. My dearly beloved has convinced me to bring the date of our wedding forward with the promise of an air rifle of my choosing sub £1K as a wedding present.


    First of I've heard read most of the pros and cons of both .177 and .22 regards hitting power tragegtory etc, but am still unsure of which to go for. Secondly which mutlishot PCP do you recommend I'm a left hooker and object too anybody charging extra for a left handed stock. Is the BSA hornet multi much cop, a true ambi rifle or just a gimmick. Any suggestions welcomed






  12. The laws differ in England and Scotland but in england you need to be no less than 50 feet from the centre line of the road not sure about footpaths though (also i'm not sure where you'd stand legally standing on the kerb of the M6 shooting). In Scotland no such law exists the you could be charged with a public nuisance offence. You may wish to double check this as this is from memory.

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