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Posts posted by ferretman

  1. looking to swop me aya yoeman sbs for a auto or p/x but not to much as skint at min.i payed 190 for it a few months ago and it is working fine clean gun i have only used it for pigeon n rough shooting,its a n/ej,the chokes are 1/4 and 3/4 i think or 1/4 and 1/2.i have tuk sum really high birds with it and a few lads on here have seen me do it.pm me if you want a swop p/x eather way.thanks

  2. my brother was big into Judo and did quite well. I was the Karate (Shotokan) fan, and did quite well, but big brother and me used to laugh all the time at these girlys doing "muay thai" :yp: as my nephew was doing it.


    We discovered the joys of beer, and he discovered the joys of training hard, and reaping the benifits.......


    we dont laugh at him any more :good:











    so what if he is world champ, :no: ......id still kick his *** :yes:

    is that ya bro or who eva ya sed or a pic of sum1 you found on the tinternet mate?:lol:
  3. i dont mind a good old fashioned scrap... but to be fair, thats not the usual practice these days.... used to box, got the nose to prove it !...

    me real dad was a boxer n me unlce his brother was a kick boxer but now me uncle trains boxers.i no wot your mean about the nose aswell lol :blush:i did judo and kick boxing a few years ago.

  4. You wear cam cream for a couple of days and see what happens your clear, babys bottom smooth face ! Am sure the millitary lads on here will confirm it will bring up good sized egg custards on the best kept of faces. :yp:



    Anyone worked out the rifel and scope ? and a guess at the calibre ? :yes:

    a very power full .22 rimmy :good:

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