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Everything posted by ptcruiser

  1. I too have a HW 100 both in .177 in fact i have 2 and yes they are very very quite bt i can't see you picking one uo for under £300.00 including scope though i may be wrong....What i would say though is my mate has a HW 100 in .22 and it is quiter than both my .177's!....I once owned a RWS EXCALIBRE in .22 and boy that was quite!
  2. ptcruiser

    drive by :o

    Keep up the good work nailing them carrion crows!!
  3. I have seen what corvids do to small birds,their young and their eggs!...Don't just scare them off,give them some lead!....As soon as your back is turned they will be raiding the birds nests and catching the fledglings!...I have seen crows and magpies at the crack of dawn raiding nests of song birds eating the eggs and carrying the young on to a roof or tree and dismembering while still alive....Any of the Weihrauchs will do the job!
  4. I have a couple of .177 100's.1 has my NV scope permanantly mounted for night time shooting and the other i use for daytime shooting.I rate them very highly!...Fantastic cocking system,quiet and very accurate!.....Having said that i am looking to buy an FAC rated Air Arms S410 .22 but am gonna keep ythe 100's.....Just wondered if anybody out there could recommend a silencer to put on the S410 even though i am told they are pretty quiet anyway?
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