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kernel gadaffi

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Posts posted by kernel gadaffi

  1. 1. Coming home from school aged 7 or 8 to find my mother asleep in her chair, I didn't want to wake her, so left her and watched the TV, my dad came home from work 20 minutes later, so I went into the kitchen to ask him to be quiet as mam was asleep, he went in to wake her up but couldn't, dad grabbed me and said, "can you go an see Mrs Watson (neighbour over the garden from us) for half an hour. A couple of hours later one of my sisters came to get me and I was told mam had gone to sleep, but was being looked after in hospital. It never accured to me what happened at the time, but one night many years later I had a nightmare when I was in the 40's and it was of that event. The following day I asked my eldest sister about it and was told our mother had tried to take her own life.

    2. Although I can't remember this, but on 20th October 2016 I was in my local surgery and had a seizure, I was told I was attended to within seconds and paramedics were called, I was whisked to hospital and was making no sense at all, it was later found that I'd had a dissociative (non epileptic) that was caused by stress. I was asked questions about my life in the ambulance, name, date of birth etc, I thought is was 1984, I was 23 years old and unaware of so many things that had happened in my life. At the time I was acutally 55 and two months from my 56th birthday. I couldn't remember my mother dying, meeting my now ex partner and the birth of my kids. While I was in hospital, I had very excrutiating and shooting pains in the lower half of my right leg and had no idea why, my brain had partially formatted itself and removed many traumatic events, I wasn't aware that pains in my leg were the result of me crashing a motorbike in March 1986 and having it amputated, according to my ex, I was in one hell of a state.

    The following day, I had another seizure and my partner was told "if I had another within the next 24 hours, it would be game over for me". Of course, I knew nothing about this and apart from what I'm told, I still have no recollection. Thankfully and to date, I've had no more, but it's a scary prospect.  Most of my memory from these moments, up to about 2 months following the seizures is gone and apart from the odd thing that pops into my head, will never return, so I can tell you I feels very strange having that void and the outfall of this, is I suffer from antreograde and retrograde amnesia.

    3. Another incident I can't remember because of the amnesia happened on February 29th 2008, I was at work and the bosses had rejigged the office, moving desks, printers, phones, computers and there was cables and wires all over, I went behind one desk and didn't see a 4 plug extension (patrice?) and stood on it, it slid away and I fell bouncing my back on the corner of the desk and landing on the floor very contorted. I was terrified as I couldn't feel my legs and had pins and needles from my back to neck. Paramedics arrived after 45 minutes, by then my colleagues has pulled the desk apart to help them treat me. In the ambulance, I had two bottles of Entonox by the time I'd got to hospital. I was parked in a side ward, in agony and left there for 3 hours, I was asked if I wanted pain relief, I begged for it, but to this day, I'm still waiting. A doctor came to see me and arranged to send me for x-rays and a scan, this happend two hours later and the way I was handled was like being slung about like a sack of spuds.  11 hours later, at 10pm, a doctor decided I'd suffered soft tissue damage and could go home, by this time the feeling had returned to my left leg, but the remainder of the right leg felt numb and I had no idea how I could walk. I was pushed to my partners car and helped to get in it, getting out when I was bag home was going to be difficult. My partner went in the house and got me crutches, I managed to painfully turn myself and painfully drag myself upright, but I couldn't hold myself up with the crutches because of the pain in the muscles of my back, so I crawled into the house and into the settee. I hardly moved off the settee for a month, apart from having to go for treatment. 6 months later, a physio with a bit of common sense sent my for more scans and he worked out that I'd snapped 6 tendons that lead from the muscles in my back and connect to the facet joints on the spine and because of the time that had elapsed and the tendons had shrunk, it would be more or less  impossible to reconnect them and if it was attempted, the nerve damaged caused would leave me with a 95% chance of permanent paralysis, so I was not even given the option. From then on, I get horrible cramps in the stump, regular numbness and the horrible phantom pains which have been the bane of my life for over 35 years. 

    I can't remember Diana's death, 9/11 and so many things between 1984 to early 2017.

    Bloody scary.


  2. I won a Mastercard with £50 on it 5 years ago, I bought a Edwin Jagger DE89 razor with a bowl, brush, soap and an assortment of blades, as previously mentioned, for me the green packet Astra's are the best. Still have 3 unopened packets of blades and there's 3 left in another.

  3. We've all done it at some stage and for him and yourselves, it's been a lucky escape.  Lets hope it's a lesson learned and he'll be more careful next time, I'm sure he will be.


    His recovery will be swift, kids bounce better than us oldies.

  4. 2 hours ago, Spr1985 said:

    Another thing to take into account (if you have a home phone) don’t put the internet router near it as it will cause issues. 
     May also be worth switching the router off and unplugging for five mins or so and then reconnect to power and boot up. 

    As above.

  5. E-on are badgering me to have one, to the point were I'm getting letters, informing me that "I have to have one", no I don't.  When I switched to them a year ago, I did state that I didn't want one and that I would not be happy, if I was constantly getting letters, calls and emails requesting my interaction.  My contract is almost out and they offered me the best deal, so I've stayed with them, but also reminded them that I didn't want a smart meter, a letter arrived from them this morning asking me to make arrangements to have the smart meter installed!

    I boils my p!ss when people/companies don't listen.

  6. You put a wanted ad up, looking for a Nikon D3300, I sent you a private message outlining what I have and added a YHPM onto your wanted page.


    Are you wanting a D3300 or selling one?

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