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Posts posted by trollhunter

  1. going on from what i have said just found this article in an old edition of the shooting times

    it reads

    it is uncommon for dogs to remain unconscious for longer than a few minutes. many dogs that remain collasped are conscious but unable to stand ,either through pain or weakness.

    Hypoglycaemia is a common cause of collapse, so try offering a high-calorie foodstuff

    i always carry Glucogel , a fast acting dextrose which can help significantly

    do check carefully for wounds, as these are easily misseed

    hope this is of help

  2. hi pantheman

    i would look to cutting down to 2 meals a day from 5 months old with set meal times

    ie between 7am-8am and again between between 4pm -6pm (these are my times)

    as to get them in a routine between meals

    as for messing the run with luck it should start to get better with age but would advise a later walk than 8 pm for it is a long time for a youngster to wait especialy as it starts to gets light at 4am and the pups will start to wake with the light and morning chorus plus going down to 2 meals should make a difference

    it is never too early to teach them to hunt but keep it short and fun, if you are planning to run the pair as a brace then training needs to be done with both dogs together but it is complicated and hard work and very stressfull , otherwise take each dog out seperate for training and never let them self hunt as this can cause a headstrong dog, start with teaching them to quarter first and keep them close they will soon learn the difference between play and work

    good luck and good fun


  3. NTTF

    may i just add a few comments to this fantastic post from my own experience

    if using a lead or rope to act as a muzzle you may wish to put something in the dogs mouth to keep it open so it has 2 ways of breathing and could stop the dog swallowing its own tongue

    as for collapse that copuld happen from many reasons in a working dog usaly heat or energy exhaustion for heat cold drink and posibly a pond or water course if water not to cold otherwise wet towels like suggested and for energy yes a solution of sugar water or honey but most people carry a mars bar it will work as good and leave the dog to rest even carry it back to the car

    and on fits prevent overcrowding as when the dog strarts to comes round this will cause unnessary stress

    this like i said is from my own personal experiences

  4. :) Smidgin of cheating going on here methinks, according to Lord Rodney ****-Snottingham's rules, all of the birds have to be dead in the air at the same time, with one shot at each. So, no coconut for the 57 starlings! As for LB's 9-shot, that would be awesome to watch, could take some practice though. :good:

    as the stalk went it was early one afternoon and the starlings were just starting to arrive to thier roosting place a small spinney at the end of the farm normaly it was nothing to see anthing from upto probaly 1000+ starlings but no way was a count possible but the size of the black mass was something else a black carpet over the field

    as i crept up on them, i fired the first barrel over top of them and the a second as quick as i could pull the trigger this then resulted in going to get a wheel barrow as not enough hands or pockets as i was wearing shorts at the time (no wise cracks) can't tell you the exact number dead in the air but used 71/2 shot from express (marcuss they were some shells) as for lord rodney he was only jealous

  5. Yes, I have been out with a friend who regular shoots them, so not a problem, and you are very right, it's the deer welfare at stake, and definitely not something to be taken lightly! but that can be said for all quary....

    I have a very regular supply of venison delivered to me, and thus am fairly good at the butchering of the beast.

    I have considered doing the DSC1 course, but it will cover stuff that I will never need.



    sounds like a good relationship you have going on there , a good supply of fantastic tasting meat , if you don't do burgers with the off cuts then it is a worth try

    vennie burgers on the barbie :lol:


    the gralloch bit I get same as general meat hygene, realistically though you don't need this for any other quarry. But is that what the police are worried about as far as putting Deer on someones ticket as you say Muntjack seasons etc aren't relevant, if so what are the police doing being concerned about something thats more a public health issue. On a side issue anyone can shoot them with a shotgun with the right conditions etc to be legal and no issue is made of carcass handling etc as far as identifying foxes well I'd say that can be harder as you can have to identify them under lamping conditions as opposed to muntjacks that will always be in daylight.

    the bigger problem is when out with a shotgun how many times are you going to be loaded up with ssg'g or spsg's or AAA's or an equivalent cartridge suitable of a killing shot on munties , when a muntie is runnig away from you at thirty yards what part of the body are you shooting at so it can be killed outright with the least amount of suffering and also while it is running away from you can you tell if it is a buck or a doe which is heavily pregnant or a doe suclking a calf , atleast when out stalking with a rifle you can observe the animal in question through a set of binos or a cranked up scope (part of the kit you would need while stalking) so if you are shooting a doe you hav a better chance of not shooting one with a dependant calf that is likely to starve

    i would hope when you flash your lamp in a field of sheep ,a fox will stand out like a sore thumb but a munty will look the same just like a dog or brock does ,

    we only have six species of wild deer in this country one of them is the muntjac ,how many other countries can you go and shoot them, i wonder , not put on a pedestal but more the fact to be appreciated for what they are a species of deer that we are lucky to have

  6. russ91

    my personal choice would

    243 for foxes and deer upto fallow sika and red hinds

    then a 30-06 for falllow bucks ,sika and red stags also good for boar (except in france ) and a top gun in africa the only reason i don't recommend the 308 as they are the same size case as a 243 but a bigger head , sometimes a mistake can be made in haste and a mix up between 243 and 308 may occur , open licence first ticket near impossible

    get your DSC1 it will open doors



  7. I am not an FEO, and I am NOT pretending to be an expert in firearms law, but if was a betting man I would say he is wrong Rob.


    I have CWD/Muntjac on my FAC against my .223 now, but it was explained to me very clearly by my FEO that as long as I had a deer calibre I could shoot the smaller deer with my .223 without sending my certificate in. If I didn't have that, I couldn't, simple as that. I had it added on renewal as a matter of course.

    thats the safest way to go as if it does not say on your ticket what the conditions are for your 223 you hav left yourself open for negligence if ever pulled up on this ,as each calibre has a condition of use


    Right...... my 2p's worth....

    I don't have deer on my cert, but my FLO has told me that I can legally shoot munties and CWD with my .223 with no variation..

    So the debate goes on..

    as has been said.. clear as mud.. and if unsure or what ever.. speak to your FLO, and it need be.. get it in writing



    i presume AdamW, you hav such knowledge of the deer you hav been told you can shoot , if not get some as the deer's welfare is at stake here


  8. ziplex

    another method you could try is take another dog with you , that does pick up , this inturn will hopefully make her a bit jealous so causing the reaction that she needs to get there and pick the dummy up , if that works then slowly as she gets more interested in picking up away from home you can start to steady her up and take the other dog away, if this does not suffice you may just hav to resort to using dead game either rabbit or pigeon

    if using pigeon then you must put a string around it or elastic band as this keeps the wings folded in and stops her getting a mouthfull of feathers , pigeons are best used frozen as this will get her used to cold game before you try her on warm and also means you can put it back in the freezer for the next session , and further sessions after that,

    some dogs never take to dummys that well in a strange enviroment (ie away from home)



  9. hi all

    this is what is written on my ticket relating to a 5 shot semi-auto i hav


    (10) the smooth-bore gun(s) to which this certificate relates, shall be used only for the destuction of vermin on land over which the holder has permission to shoot for that purpose with that class of firearm, the smooth-bore gun(s) may also be used for clay pigeon shooting

    all i needed was to hav permission for vermin controll and i was already on an open ticket , the flo added clay pigeon just incase i needed to practice

    i think CharlieT is spot on and you need to clarify, as there is less regulations on multi shot shotguns like there are on a rifle, as a 3 shot, multi-shot shotgun is the same as a five just more expensive to run and a bit more fun

  10. another method i use is to walk the dog to heel and drop a dummy while walking after 10 yards stop sit the dog down and using back as a command cast the dog of for a retrieve , doing this about twice a night while on a walk till the dog or bitch gets a hang of it so then increasing the distance as training days go on , if you can use the same path way or training place (straight lines are better ie long straight pathway or hedgerow or along side a building if that is what is available so the dog does not deviate of its path) the dog cottons on a bit quicker from the previous training session as it remembers fom past attemps

    this helps as using the word back so it knows to go back in a straight line for blind retrieves so when it gets to 100 yards or so then stops and looks you can shout back and hopefully the dog will do a uturn and start going back a gain

    fetch i only use in a marked retreive but also use back if the dog has not gone far enough back and looking at you for help

  11. :lol: Too true! Although rotting muntjac comes really close... and they have an outstanding knack for getting in our fox snares :yp: lucky thing the Gamekeeper wants the muntjac gone too! We learned quickly that it's a good idea to drag such things in to an area that you don't need to walk through daily.

    not sure it's such a good idea to advertise the fact deer can get caught and die in a snare , with all the controversy over snaring foxes that is legit

    since they have died from your hand as such or through a method you hav chosen ,albeit designed to trap a different animal, because they are cloven hoofed, they now become classed as fallen stock so cannot be passed on into the food chain in the way of sold privately or to a game dealer , (you can put it into your own freezer though) so diposal of the carcass legally has to be incinerated

    such a shame that such a good source of meat is often lost in this way

    our job is hard enough to prove right to the converted let alone the antis

    but you are right they do stink almost about as bad as brock

  12. Hi All,

    I'm thinking about applying for a FAC for vermin control & have OK'd it with the two farmer's on the land where I shoot with my shotgun.

    The only problem being that they already have FAC holder's using there land.

    would this stop me from being granted a FAC


    Many thank's



    as DaveK has said

    unless the number of fac holders on this ground has reached plague proportions then you should be fine, just make sure you have an accompanying letter to say you have been given permission for the firearm in question then it is all up to the land checks so here's the chance to get more than one firearm on a fac

    ie .22 .222 .243 multi shot shotgun(5 shot) just get the landowners to put these in the letter of permission

    just a few suggestions


  13. Thanks one and all for your replies - they are much appreciated.

    I just hope that by talking about my misfortune it will save a few others the same fate.

    this it will my friend , from what i see others have already started taking action , what a wonderfull thing you have done by sharing your misfortune with us all,

    take care and enjoy what you can when you can


  14. can any one suggest a SG what will match the criteria below ?


    1. the shot gun will be used mainly in the field for rough shooting and rarely the clays.

    2. im not bothered about fancy stocks or anything like that

    3. the gun must be 12. gauge

    4. the gun must be O/U

    5. i would prefer ejectors but not essential

    6. nearly forgot, must be right handed!


    Do any of you know of anyguns which will match the above ?


    my budget is around £200.00 so i will obviously be after a second hand gun!


    Reed :rolleyes:

    why does it have to be a 12 gauge as you could widen your search and look at 20 gauge too, both will do the same job and a 20 should be lighter to carry both will have the same market value , just you have to be a little more accurate with the 20

  15. harnser

    your motives are not in question , it is just how others see and react to your actions you need to protect your self from

    once i have learn't how to edit properly and put all the funny faces in the right place may be my posts won't look so aggressive

    time needed


  16. Troll hunter ,

    The deer was actually on land that i shoot and stalk on . So the question of it being illegal would not have come up . My only concern at the time was that i was very close to the road ,no more than 10 feet away . I would not nomally stalk this close to the road . But the situation in my opinion at the time called for me to put the beast down . Harnser .

    the reason why i said what i said is because i was put in this very situation where a fallow doe and calf was knocked over the policeman on the scene was not sure what to do, i made a suggestion and followed up the result was a dead deer shot with a shotgun i was made to proove the beast i shot was the one injured and wether i had the right to shoot it on the land as the policeman had no right to authorise the taking of deer on ground that does not belong to him or had not sort permission to do so and as a stalker i had not used a deer legal calibre on an out of season quarry, once the humane killing of an injured deer was established all was fine as i had a witness to back up my story ,you sent yours away

    you can't be to carefull when a firearms is concerned

    that is why i always hav a knife in the truck just in case

  17. Could swear I read 12 bore or larger in a report the other day.


    Or maybe that was for deer damaging crops. :lol:


    crop controll with the appropiate size shot is the norm but exceptions are made for 20 gauge using solids other than that i am not sure as not to many hav a smooth bore .22 or 9mm garden gun to hand

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