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Everything posted by Nik

  1. How come you was trying to swap it for several different types of rifles last month then? I have a mate who bought one, and he got rid of it very quickly, He said it it was rubbish.
  2. Like a lot of the guys on here I have been laughing at the sarcasme being heaped on Y L for his Walter Mitty escapades. If you want to read about a real Hero, then read "8 lives down" by Chris Hunter,( Not his real name obviously) his true story of his life as a bomb disposal Tech, his time in Iraq and other theaters of war over the last 15 years.. It comes out in paperback form in the the next week or two,His Mum is one of my neighbours, and I know its 100% real, nothing made up, and I tell you once you start reading it, you wont want to put it down, Bravory at its best.
  3. Oh ****, whats happenend to YL? has he fell in the battle to get in the Post office door to collect his dole money then,? I know its not easy, getting past those dolebashers , who have a young woman in tow, (usually up the duff, with a couple of kids ) in the pushchair, ******* and blinding, as they are desperate to pick up their unearned money to buy 40 fags, and a couple of bags of crisps to feed their offspring, (most born out of Wedlock!!. seems the only flash YL might get is a view of some young mum bending over in front of him!..
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