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Everything posted by Stormwolf

  1. There was a rattle of my letterbox yesterday. Must be the postie thought I, looked through the glass of the front door to observe a petite kneeling figure dressed in black & blue, tis not the postie methinks, he always looks sort of red and orange with a bushy grey beard. What has popped through my letterbox says I to mesen, picking it from the mat, oh nice, tis the latest edition of't Parish Council booklet, all glossy and pristine, I walk to the window to see whom this new delivery person is, very efficient, she is already four doors away. Ah good, our local PCSO doesn't seem to be able to find any crime to tackle in our semi rural/urban area, hmm, no car tax dodgers, no blue badge cheats, NOPE the Friggin council are using the two plastics as delivery boys...unbelievable. The Parish Council mag kindly informed me of how my council taxes were being utilised as the borough was giving funds to the parish to pay for extra policing. How uplifting. I had a full belly laugh a week or so ago sitting in a queue of traffic watching the two plastics attempting to round up a flock of sheep after Pikeies had left a gate open. Hmm, thought I to myself, that young man is holding that there sheep in a very suspicious position, wonder if he is aware tis a Ram. Did he stop for a moment to do a risk assessment? Was she off for two days with a back strain? Meanwhile the village Yobs run riot and a procession of strange caravans pulled by lorries and white transits navigate the high street...hmmm must be a caravan club rally on the sports field.
  2. PEDRO funny my next door neighbour is Pedro or Peter (italian), he is a shooter and should have been a police officer, anyway that is beyond here. May I thank you Pedro for being a policeman (that's a novelty). If folk just stopped to think for a while they would realise that all that stands between us and anarchy is that thin blue line. You guys don't ask for all the stupid, petty rules, regs and red tape. I wish it could go back to the days when an officer could cuff a youngster or tell his dad and watch him get a thick ear. I am 54 now and even as a youngster I said to my dad that the day was coming when the libs and lefties would have too much influence. I think anyone in their right mind should be Nationlist and Patriotic and support our country and our history (for better or worse). I am not a Royalist but admire the immediate Royals, however I do support our Security Forces in whatever shape or form. Now the Lords and Ministers of the Crown that is a different story and if our treason laws were anything like as strong as they should be...well there wouldn't be enough space in the Tower! It must be so difficult dealing with scumbags and I know my intolerance of ******, Yobs, Violent and Sexual Offenders would not allow me to stay in the job. You need to have a strange mentality to do your job. A quick story. When my wife and I were courting...I was 20, she 16. we went to a charity dance at Heathrow, I worked for BA at the time. As we were leaving a group of gatecrashers stormed in, guys in their 30's, one was a football manager for Hillingdon. He proceeded to assault my girlfriend as I went to intervene I was smashed in the face breaking my nose and I was only just conciouss, my girlfriend was pushed to the floor and they began kicking hell out of her (this was about 1975/6). My cowardly mates did nothing. It was only the intervention off an off duty officer that saved us from bad injuries and he got a good kicking for his trouble. Since then I have had nothing but admiration for the force despite having had dealings with less than pleasant officers but I realise you get all sorts in every walk of life and you should not tar all with the same brush. So again matey, thanx for being one little part of that important thin blue line and more power to your elbow.
  3. Howdy folks, if I may quickly intro myself. I am Dex, user name STORMWOLF. Accessed your site when researching Heart/Lung Worm. Obviously decided to read some posts to see what I was getting myself into. Must say I am really pleased to have found your site though not as a shooter. Have done some shooting when lived in old Rhodesia/Zimbabwe but closest been here is my next door neighbour is a shooter (Pedro) and I own a gundog who is scared of bangs. Ce la Vie! LOL! I must add a short comment about Gyppos/******/Travellers/Scumbags whichever label we use. Did the leaders of the Third Reich not have a clever way to deal with them? I suppose we are too civilised to even 'think' (the thought Police are out there) of that solution. The true Gypsy as a nomad, selling his services to sharpen and steel (**) on his colourful caravan was probably much like the folk who live on narrow boats now, pity that they have evolved into something that is alien to us. It is hard to sympathise/empathise with folk who do not give a monkee about law and order, others feelings etc. You all know how long the list is, I don't need to waste time and effort re writing it. :yp: What galls me is how the authorities are so damn scared of upsetting the apple caravan (oops). CART! If law abiding citizens carried on as they do we would be manhandled into the back of a black maria, cuffed, fingerprinted, DNA'd, interrogated, up before the beak and bailed. Where is this stupid Human Rights Act taking us? I was intrigued by the post from Devon about the Log Cabins. My dream is to live in an isolated woodland, live in a cabin with just my wife and dogs and work the land, manage the trees etc. I cannot do it because I cannot get planning permission and I could not risk everything on just going ahead and doing it expecting to win battles against the council in the long run. Anyway it is illegal and if I do anything illegal it is minor much as most folk do. My poor old dad popped his clogs in January and I am due a third of his house which aint selling and is now under £90,000. Ah well, live within the law and you are shafted, live beyond the law, take your chances and if you are a ***** carry on tipping, driving new top range vehicles, live in a huge newish (stolen) caravan, steal, poach, fight, draw benefits, do dodgy driveways, fleece old folk from their savings. Whoopsee...said I would,t do that. This is one of those subjects that makes you want to get it all off your chest. I am signing off and will check out some more posts. Go well folks!
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