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  1. Hi Byhsu, Did you eventually get your HW97K and have you had it Venom tuned? How's it going? I have a HW97k myself (in .20 cal) and I had a Venom Stage 1 kit (DIY) fitted recently. I asked venom to send me the FAC rated stage 1 kit and I assume that it is an FAC rated kit that I got. The Venom spring was much shorter (about 27 coils) than the original main spring (about 34 coils). The tune has improved accuracy seriously and eliminated the spring 'twang'. The gun is much smoother than before, shoots better and the cocking effort is much lighter. The power is a little down though - the gun used to do about 14.0 ft/lbs (I don't live in the UK, so no legal problems here!), now it's doing about 11.6 - I expect power to increase as the gun settles in with more shots. The tune is still new (about two weeks old and I've only put less than 100 shots through it). But I haven't seen improvements in shot-to-shot consistency - there are still wide variations. Also, the gun's action still sounds noisy to me when I'm shooting it (possibly because my ear rests close to the stock and the action). But with my wife standing about 20 meters down range and about 5 metter away from the target, she says the HW97k sounds as quiet as my AA S410k. She can only hear the sound of the pellet cutting the air and the noise of the target being hit. The kit came with five steel power adjustment washers and I put all of them in. Are there any possible ill-effects of this that I should expect? Anyone with opinions about this, it would be apprecited. cheers Zulu
  2. Hey Phil, Would you recommend a gas strut over a Venom stage 1 kit for the HW 80K? Also, is it possible to get a strut that takes the power level to about 20ft/lbs, or would I be better off getting a Venom Maglaza tune kit? I have a brand new HW80k in .20 cal. Cheers Zulu
  3. Mike, how is the Logun silencer fitted to your HW97K? Is it by threading on the barrel or allen screw on the silencer? I have a HW97K (.20) that came with an original factory fitted 'silencer/muzzle break' with a catch for the cocking lever. Does your logun silencer also have a catch for the under-lever? Zulu
  4. Hi Big Bill, the Logun silencer fitted to your HW80, you said in your earlier post that it is fixed to the barrel with an allen screw... Is there an adaptor or does the silencer itself have a grub screw to fasten it to the barrel (As in the Air Airms S410 silencers)? Also, I assume your '80 is a .22, did you have the barrel length reduced? I have just bought a brand new HW80K (.20 calibre) and I have a (threaded) Logun Silencer. I'm not sure If I should have the barrel threaded for the silencer, or have an adaptor (with an allen screw) made to fit the silencer without threading the barrel. Also, I'm thinking of a Venom Maglaza tune and reducing the barrel to 13". Any ideas?? Thanks Zulu
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