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  1. Thanx for the tip iv'e sent them an email, and they promised to send over some prices.
  2. Hi all Myself and a couple of good friends are looking to try out some of the famed English pigeon shooting. We’re all relatively new to pigeon shooting, and my two friends are new to hunting entirely. The trouble is, that we’re university students from Denmark, so we will need pointers on how to handle all the practical aspects of hunting in England - we’re of course willing to pay for any help and arrangements etc. However as I mentioned, we are students ,so our means are by no means endless . We currently don’t have anything to offer in return in turns of hunting opportunities in Denmark. So basically all we can offer is (hopefully) good company, a chance to get to know some equally minded hunters from another country – hh and of course our eternal gratitude for any and all help
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