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Everything posted by Wsm

  1. Wsm

    A Bit Harsh?

    As has been said theres two sides to every story and what has been originally posted doesn`t give the entire picture. No mention of the service whilst helping you make the right choice which at the time you were quite happy with No mention of the £100 credit that you received when you saw a similar less expensive model in an advert a week later.Something which we were not obliged to do but did so as a gesture of good will. You were informed that your gun would be ready on the Friday so strangely you sent rather a derogatory letter on the Thursday in which I believe you used the word amateurish and then wondered why the owner took exception to you questioning a reputation thats taken over 25 years to build. Avalon Guns is one of the biggest retailers in the industry and prides itself on its customer service so it would be helpful if you posted all the facts to let people make an informed opinion rather than just the parts that suit your own agenda And for the record Danmar94 was not threatened but told his business wasn`t wanted in future and was asked to leave so talk of RFD revocation is somewhat wide of the mark This is the last thing I`ll say on this matter and let Avalons reputation of thousands of happy customers speak for itself Posts insulting staff members and calling for the shop to be burnt down even if said in jest do this forum nor its members no favours at all by the way Thankyou
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