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Posts posted by aauser

  1. hi just starting shooting want to shoot some pigeons i've got a few fields behind my house, can i go on the fields and shoot? do i have to have permission? thanks


    hi ken ,simple answer is yes you do need the permission of the land owner .if you dont get writen permission you could find yourself in deep doo doo .its classed as armed tresspass and could result in loss of certificates and possibly a bit of her majestys time in clink . try to find a local shooter who is prepared to show you the ropes mate

  2. Evening everybody as anybody been pigeon busting today near marr in Doncaster or has there been a clay day goin on as I heard some shooting as I went past earlier?? Me and my mate been up to park lodge for a good day!! If somebody been out hope you have had a good day?? I have ...:-)

    couple of my pals shooting the swath rape that way one had 63 the other had 92 so possibly them

  3. Having been given permission to shoot a pea field that is being proper hammered I have a proper situation to deal with on one side is a large horse paddock and on the other side a footpath leading to fishing lakes and the field being not very wide at all ,obviously I want to do my best for the farmer but just a tad unsure what to do short of buying a moderated gun what you think chaps????

  4. I have a hi lux vx model excellent motor and will get you just about anywhere and not too bad on fuel considering size best advise is grab yourself a test drive of both to decide wich is for you ,but for me personally it was a no brainier

  5. last friday i shot my first ton plus .these was shot over barley stubble,with six full body decoys 14 shells and hypa flaps on the rotator ,my shooting partner had been watching the field and knew it was a goer,although when we arrived it didnt look too exiting,but after watching for half an hour i saw a really strong flight line moving along a tree line on the edge of the wood ,so decided to set up just passed where the birds broke out over the wood and this was perfect .right from the off they were desperate to look at the pattern,wich presented me with some great high shots,and good straight inns.it was such a brill day with four or five doubles and two with one shots. set up by 1200 and finished at 1830 .these days make up for long cold winters days protecting crops dont you think!.any way ended the day with 107 picked and 7 or 8 lost to the wood also 7 blacks.shooting a ton has been a bit of a milestone for me and now its done ime made up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. last week whilst out shooting on cut maize game cover had a realy good day with total shot of 53 but what made it special was one particular bird bieng a white woody ,at the time it was shot it was quite bright and caught it as a last second shot ,on looking at this bird its amazing with cream coloured wings and white wing bars bright neck bars and cream coloured back and tail ,its in amazing condition with only a small bleed on its chest and is now in my pals freezer .i will post pictures when the taxidermist has finished it.going to have it done with wings out as flying

  7. well guys,

    Today i have popped my 100 bird cherry. we shot over some disced up peas .plenty of birds flying all over the place ,and there was two really strong flight lines,so we flagged the field off to get the birds where we wanted them ,and set up under the busyest flight line,using 20 dead birds one rotater, two floaters and two low down angels, right from the word off they played ball with some exellent passing shots and dropping straight in birds WHAT A DAY!!!!plus my firearms licence has come ,thinking of having a go on the lotto!!!!!!

    we ended the day with 192 birds picked

    AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. i have the browning maxus in black synthetic it is an amazing pigeon gun ,ive had the gun six months now and it took a little getting used to but i now shoot with 1/4 choke and miss very little,i love the speed loading system its so usefull on pigeons.i would recomend this gun to any one,synthetic defenatly the best for a field gun and its only jammed once since new

  9. Found myself driving up the M1 on business today from Dorset, staying in Wetherby tonight.... boy oh boy do you chaps up here have some pigeons!


    I was out on Sat back in Dorset and they are so spread out across the fields finding more than a dozen feeding together is a nightmare! Driving up the M1 around the Leeds area every other field was heaving with them!


    Is this normal, or just the time of year for you 'Northern' chaps?! :rolleyes:

    were just lucky mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. just had a great day on pea stubble 69 picked lost about five or six .just could not find them ,it always amazes me when you see where they drop and you spend ten mins looking for the darn things ,still great day with good company and plenty of action, could have been more but did not start to come till about 3 o clock .just used10 deeks and magnet with dead birds exellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. for sale 4 gun safe made by infac exellent condition.single key locking with four locking bars.its £85.00 its police approved. i live in rotherham south yorkshire if you want photos send yre e mail not sure how to attach to this e mail thanks

  12. just had another great day out on the drillings ,arrived at 10,oclock and set up for about 10 30 and not a lot of birds about at all, but a perfect day for shooting really, good wind ,partly cloudy ,and a great crack with my shooting budy,all that was needed now was a few birds ,and we didnt have to wait too long for those to come ,nice and steady in the morning,and better after about two oclock,picked 46 woodies,and ten ferrals,all in all a very enjoyable day,also one happy farmer and over 100 birds in three visits :rolleyes:

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