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Posts posted by magnum

  1. Thanks folk, I have removed the weed by hand in other years but it's just got to be too much (I'm getting on a bit now) and my members aren't the most helpfull folk. I have made inquireries into the blue dye, thanks "M", as our members do not like working parties :no: , (I usualy do it all myself ) it will be a case of higher subs for next year, pay it, or stop moaning. Ironically enough I have just been offered another lake, 4 acre, near Maldon in Essex to start a syndicate. The latters is gin clear and does not get pumped, I have talked to the owners and am quite impressed with the deal, I think I have got a reputation of keeping my syndicate water, tidy, and thats why they got in touch with me. Another syndicate near me has some keen members I know quite well (we do host/guest between the two syndicates, mine and theirs) who are spuring me on to go for the Maldon lake and start afresh, so, I am taking them down to meet the lake owners next week, perhaps it's time to make a change. Very many thanks guys for your input, I really do appreciate it :good: , Fly

    on our water you have to do work parties 2 per year out of 10 you will always get the lads that will only do 2 and there the ones that do the most moaning (i all ways put it back on them its as only as good as YOU MAKE IT )but a fair few of us will do all 10
  2. Hallo Fenboy, the issue is I have some members who will not fish with the conditions at hand (rat bags) ie; lures all year round. It is, as I have said, a great dry fly water, and c.d.c's, shuttle cocks and drys give good sport most of the year, I personaly, and a few others, do not have a major problem. Some times we are pumped for irrigation and are down on water a few feet, when the water is pumped back in it tends, some years, to grow a "frame" of weed right round the lake and allthough it is easy to cast over this frame, when the fly is retreaved it picks up weed. Stop Press; just spoke to my fish farmer supply guy who said the same as your self, don't go down Grass Carp rout, (if one could get permission in the first place to stock them) there is a blue dye a lot of fisheries are using now which blokes the ultra violet rays from the growing weed at the start of the growing season, it is no more expensive than chemicles and is no threat to crops (irrigation). I will pursue this and let you guys know the results a.s.a.p. Once again, thanks folk for your time, regards, Fly.

    we have done all of the above put 150 grass carp last year at a cast off £1500 very hard (sec31)!!!! with the EA but got there in the end blue dye at a cost off £187 for 5 kgs we have dyed our lake 3 time now (£561)we ended up getting a marchine in that cuts and removes it at a cost of £850 per day this is on a small lake and its still coming back (pm me if you want any more info ) some days i think it would be easyer to dig a new lake and just move the fish over

  3. Been playing around with some factory ammo in .243 win and was just wondering if anyone has tried Remingtons premium accutip 75 grain rounds , ive tried Hornady 58 grain moly coated ( grouped ok but not fantastic ) and tried PPu 90 grain ( shotgun pattern ) :oops: , would love to home load but dont really have the time . I have heard these Remmies are pretty good on foxes and ok for the occasional roe if neck or head shot .. i will mostly be after raynard so they sound pretty suitable , what u guys using ??

    i did shoots remmy accutips but in 85/90 for a fair bit before i got in to reloading (still got about 80 rounds )they did shoot fine 1"grouping at 100 mts good on deer and foxes

  4. Got a new t3 super varmint in 204 with a 1-12 twist .question is what's your favourite head/ powder combo

    Any help would great

    Cheers Gaz

    got 3 i use (1) 32 grain noslers 28 grains of h4895 and cci br primmers (2)40 grain vmax 28.2 grains of h4895 cci br primmers (3) 39 grains sbks 27.8 of h4895 cci br primmers any 1 of these are good out to 300 mts (1.5" drop at 300 and bang on at 200)mine gun is a howa 1500 varmint 1/12 twist i did work up to this loads but the 1 like the best is the 40 grain vmax !!!!!!

  5. ok mate thats good to hear...how often do you pan round with the lamp then i tend to do a 360 degree sweep every 2 mins...is that normal? and with the fox pro being remote do you just let the call run or do it in blasts like on for a few min off for a few mins..?? and do you put the call in a area then get a vantage point to shoot the fox on its way in to the call?


    Thanks for all the advice steve.. :good::good:

    the sounds i tend use a fair bit mouse squerker, vole, screaming rabbit, young rabbit,high freq squ mixe them up a bit i only call on about 3 volume unless up on the moors call for 5 mins off for 5mins flick around with lamp every few mins got my lamp on a dimmer so u can pick them up without spooking them when u do pick 1 up in the lamp mute or take volume down to 1. Make them look for it set my fox pro up 100 mts out where 1 think there going to come from (but you can never tell when foxing :hmm: )they can come from any where try to bring them in to you becuse you shold be all set up to shot them i find works best for me ( WE TEND TO HAVE 1 ON THE LAMP AND CALLER AND THE OTHER JUST DOING THE SHOOTING)

  6. Which was a personal opinion and never meant or aimed at anyone who has a job like that.( and i think everyone else realised that) :no:

    But if they are on here and have an interst in shooting I would guess they might consider swapping jobs with me.

    M.M. your coment was nothing more then a snipe, say what you like the boys and girls here will make their own minds up.

    regards john

    John this was not meant as a snipe at you it was just meant to point out a comment you made that did not sit well with me thank you ian

  7. CONGRATULATIONS Old Man( :lol: )! It must be cigar and drinks time.


    I trust Mother and Babay are both doing fine. Please extend my very best wishes to them!

    thanks frenchieboy he,s a bit young for a cigar and a beer :lol::lol:

  8. Looking for a new saw guy's. I share a Makita that has been great for the last 10 years or so, a sliding 250mm version. About to get one of my own and the Dewalt compounds to 48 degrees as aposed to 45 for the Makita, very usefull as no plasterer in Shropshire can see a 90 degree corner if it hit them in the balls! Makita tried and very tested or a leap of faith to a Dewalt? any one got a ten year old Dewalt still running as new?


    atvb Paul.

    all my tools are makita did have a few dewalt a few year,s back but they didn,t last some of my makita saw,s and 4" beltsander are over 20 year,s old and still going :good::good:

  9. I had the opportunity last friday to cull Muntjac on an estate in Buckinghamshire, three friends had been there a fortnight earlier and shot eight but I couldnt make it due to work.

    The morning started off fresh and misty, I had only walked a hundred yards down the forest track when a buck trotted across roughly 60yds infront of me, I barked to get him to stop just long enough to get a successful shot into the engine room, as I grallocked the little fella I looked up to see another munty staring at me from twenty yards away. This one wasnt going to hang around for the same and in a split second was racing off through the undergrowth.

    For the rest of the morning all I saw were wood ants, the sun was out and it was getting warm, its amazing how Muntys just vanish in the day. Eventually I bumped a pregnant doe out of a pile of dead bracken, she ran 60yds and stopped for a look at me, before I had the rifle on the sticks she was off again down a slight valley. I took a chance on predicting were she was going and got lucky, the shot was very safe but she was at quite a tight angle facing away from me. I decided to put the shot behind her shoulder and she dropped to the ground stone dead.

    As the light started to fade the Muntys seemed to be everywhere, everywhere thats not a safe shot that is. Finally one did run straight towards me, I think it was startled by the clatter of a roosting pheasant, only one problem, it was stood just behing the tree that I was leaning on. After what seem forever it slowly ambled off,providing a perfect heart shot at around 40yds.

    It was a very enjoyable day with three muntys in the bag, my mates had shot five between em and the total tally for the two days of culling between four of us was 16

    nice to see you got among them 16 in 2 day,s they must be alot on the ground (not like your 3 up in the tree :lol::lol: ) sorry can,t help myself with that one keep it up mate IAN

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