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Everything posted by 1022

  1. 1022


    Moderation , a bit of every thing is best , a days graft , chicken curry [ a break from the usual red meat ] , a stroll with the rimmy 2 rabbits & a jackdaw , walk the dogs [a mile ] water green house , decant a jug of cider [ I make 50 galls most years ] and have a good slurp . Check e-mails , forums & tv . I , m fairly fit for my age [ 49 ] , 1 % over wieght [ what a load of bulls--t ] My bowell cancer check up is in july , on the advice of my consultant regarding my family history . A healthy life style helps a lot but this cancer has an increased risk in some families .
  2. 1022


    Moderation , a bit of every thing is best , a days graft , chicken curry [ a break from the usual red meat ] , a stroll with the rimmy 2 rabbits & a jackdaw , walk the dogs [a mile ] water green house , decant a jug of cider [ I make 50 galls most years ] and have a good slurp . Check e-mails , forums & tv . I , m fairly fit for my age [ 49 ] , 1 % over wieght [ what a load of bulls--t ] My bowell cancer check up is in july , on the advice of my consultant regarding my family history . A healthy life style helps a lot but this cancer has an increased risk in some families .
  3. 1022


    There are 2 certainties in life -Death and Taxes
  4. 1022


    Bowel cancer is more common than most people think , Normaly the life time risk is 1 in 50 , If a relative like an uncle has had it , it becomes 1 in 17 , If a sibling [brother/sister ] has had it the life time risk is 1 in 10 . Check your family history . At this risk level 5 yr check-ups are recomended for people over 40 .
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