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Posts posted by Dave66

  1. I had a similar request on a different make of wellies, it is to stop people claiming a refund, and then selling the faulty wellies on an auction site or similar,  when I returned my wellies to the shop, they cut the branding labels off and returned them to the manufacturer as proof so the shop would be credited for them.


    1 hour ago, Jimscott said:

    They've a damn cheek. You were due the refund. Perhaps you should have replied: I've a better idea: give me the refund, or I'll plaster it all over interweb and really cut your brand off.


  2. Hi Roy, for STARs think about a real example that has happened and build on it, it is about what action you did, and the result, not a theoretical scenario.

    Think about a time a customer came in with a persistent fault, it was the first time the job was allocated to you, supervisor wanted a quick in and out, you checked out the car, no immediate faults, supervisor pressing you to get the car back outside for the customer, you had a read of the previous customer complaints you had not got on the job card, noticed something other technicians had missed, had a look on manufacturers tech site and warranty claims database, found a similar issue that was the same model of car, rechecked and think you know the problem and the fix........then back to supervisor to explain why you had spent an extra hour or two on the car and the work needed to fix it, result, car fixed and not returned with same fault, happy customer with faith in garage restored, supervisor respects your judgement call in this type of problem. You knew the customer was very dissatisfied and also the car was crucial for their mobility, so you wanted to get it right for the customer, but also retain a professional relationship with your supervisor.


  3. You may need a more specific example to talk about, if they are using "Targeted Selection" style interviewing, you will need to describe the Situation, the Task you were doing, the Action you took, also the Result, together these are normally referred to as STARs, and what you get scored on. Try and rehearse an answer.

  4. I have been on them a couple of years, I have changed types a couple of times and dosage, Simvastatin seem to suit me the best, I could not cope with the Astorvastin, made me feel terrible, ask your GP to try a different type. I also need to drink plenty of water as they make me very thirsty just after taking them 

  5. 21 hours ago, Saltings said:

    if in doubt pop the sump off about 10 min clean all the junk out with parafin or jizer or similar and a scraper     check pickup pipe and strainer is clean and if not remove and clean  refit        new filter and cheap oil   run it up hot   drain and redo     filter and good oil  you should be good     the diesel side  clean tank pipes taps etc   and new filters water wrecks injectors

    Have a look at the front of the tractor before thinking about taking the sump off, most of the older MF tractors used a big heavy cast iron  "Stressed" sump where the sump is used to mount the front steering beam and radiator etc, you will need to make sure you can suspend the front of the tractor once you start to pull it apart. This is why trying to flush it out first is an easier option. Good luck with it

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