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Posts posted by steve0146

  1. They look great ! I'm just starting with this sausage mullarky, would that work with pork shoulder and rabbit ? and also why do you prefer the natural casing

    Im new to it as well. I looked at the different casing and if its what the butchers use, thats good enough for me. Pork shoulder and rabbit would be good.

  2. I slipped away from work early this week for an evening flight. I rushed home, grabbed the dog, gun, a pocketful of cartridges and made my way to the estuary. The tide was dropping and due to be low at 8pm.

    I made the long walk out to the creek and settled down for the flight, which I expected to start in a couple of hours. The midges were eating me alive, getting under my face mask and irritating me.

    This creek runs through the salt marsh and empties out in the main estuary, a couple of miles down but as the tide drops, it runs fast and any ducks shot, need a quick retrieve.

    As I settled down, cursing the midges, I turned to stroke the dog and saw a group of three mallard heading toward me. They were coming from an unexpected direction. I waited till they passed overhead; picked the end bird and it fell cleanly to a single shot. It hit the water and was away. The dog does not need asking twice and was soon after it. A good retrieve in the fast water and a lovely drake mallard was laying on the bag beside me.

    On the report of the gun, a pair of duck crossed the marsh. They were a fair distance out but shootable. The gun went up, but I missed cleanly.

    Half an hour passed and it was still a couple of hours before last light. I was admiring the duck lying next to me, and from behind a party of eight mallard were making their way along the creek. They were low. As they approached, I moved to get a better position. The ducks saw me and flared in different directions. I selected the nearest and it fell, stone dead, hitting the mud with a splat as the tide was nearly out of the creek now. Two birds in the bag.

    I have not had much luck at this part of the marsh before, so two ducks were a good result, and I still had an hour of shooting light left.

    The midges were driving me crazy, so I moved 20yds down the creek. As we were moving, a pair of duck came whizzing right down the channel, heading back out to the main estuary. Catching me by surprise, a snap shot sent the nearest bird spinning into the disappearing water. The dog didn’t see it but as it flapped on the water, she was soon on it.

    The tide was dropping and had exposed small islands of sand and mud. This would make any retrieves easier for the dog, not that I expected much more to happen.

    Over the next hour, nothing moved, not even the gulls or a crow. It was now dark and I was considering packing up. As I stood up, a large pack of duck appeared over the top of me, coming out of the darkness. I could see their silhouette but got flustered, and by time I selected a bird, they were gone. Cursing myself, a group of four appeared right over the top of us. This time I was ready. Two shots rang out and two birds fell into the darkness. The tide was now completely out and I knew they were on the mud somewhere. The dog disappeared into the dark and was soon back with another drake. I sent her again but she couldn’t understand why! I don’t think she realised two birds had come down. A few ‘go back ‘commands, and she was off hunting. I had to trust her as I could not see anything. Five minutes later, she returned, duck in mouth.

    The most successful flight I have had down that part of the marsh. Six shots and five duck in the bag, all drakes strangely enough. A night to remember, and makes up for all the blank flights over the years down there!







  3. There does seem to be loads of them about this year. Duck shooting one evening this week, there were two males and a female fishing and chasing each other. In fact I have just moved house to small lake and see some each morning.

  4. We still have plenty of stubble left, which is attracting the duck up from the estuary. This river feeds into the estuary just down stream but rarely has duck on. I had a decent flight at end of last season here but had plenty of blank ones. So this evening was an added bonus.



  5. How do you rate your Carlson choke?

    I really like it. For longer distance, it patterns well with my gun and was really cheap. (ebay america).


    You have a very likable tone and it adds to the footage. Is there anything online to show how you make your cradles..?

    I made a vid last year that shows some of the kit I use. It shows the cradles at the start.


  6. Good commentary, and good shooting. :good: I'm glad someone else agrees with the Primos Crow caller, and can use it too. I use 15" thin bamboo canes with my dead birds. Inserted from the vent, into the skull, and the remainder of the cane inserted into the ground. Very easy to use and very effective. What camera was you using.


    Sony action cam. I really like it.

  7. Went for a bit of a shoot last week. Have been watching the fields for a while, but someone had been shooting the day before i was due to go, in exactly the same spot. Gutted. There were hardly any pigeons in sight, so opted to try and pull some crows in. They were passing along a hedge in another field, but I knew they could see any decoys i put out as we were on a slight hill.



  8. Its Krylon spray paint in Camo colours. I stripped the gun, cleaned all oil etc from it and sprayed each part from a distance. It dries in 15 mins and becomes chip resistant after 7 days. Or so it says on the tin. I sprayed it Khaki to start with, let it dry and then wrapped clingfilm around bits of it. Then sprayed the olive on. You could make all sorts of patterns by adding real foliage and spraying around it I suppose.

  9. I have used a Chilli cam for a while but fancied upgrading. I bought a Sony to try. As I was playing with it while out on the marsh, I shot a high goose. Camera was not on at the time! It carried on over a couple of fields and dropped stone dead. I knew it was not going anywhere so left it till after the flight. Dog worked well and found it without any fuss. Happy with camera, really clear pics and it was pouring with rain at one point and cam survived it all.




  10. I have been lucky and shot snow geese both lesser and greater, canada geese both giant and lesser, egyptian, ross, blue , pinkfoot and whitefronts. But never a greylag!! Did see a lovely pochard shot a few years on the Norfolk Broads.

  11. Not a bad vid at all. Not sure about doing this in the kitchen i always end up with down floating about for the next few days. :)

    I wouldn't dream of preparing pigeons in the kitchen! Way too many loose feathers and a nightmare to clean up. The ducks were ok actually. I was really impressed she breasted the other duck out.

  12. My girlfriend and her daughter and not outdoor people at all and never really been exposed to it. As a keen wildfowler, I have introduced them to various recipes but her daughter has still not been convinced. However, she came to watch me clean a Canada goose a couple of weeks ago and mentioned if I helped her, she would maybe give it a go. She is a typical teenager, constantly connected to her phone or ipad. I wondered if I could use this to my advantage and asked her to film me making burgers. She actually took part and cleaned a whole mallard, with me just giving guidance. She then filmed the whole process. It’s a great achievement and she will share the video with all her school friends as she is really chuffed to bits. Not bad for a 14 year old who is all about facebook and makeup!
    Please give the video a thumbs up, or even better give a positive comment on youtube as I know she will monitoring it. Thanks.




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