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Status Replies posted by Norrie

  1. Hiya, Literally just seen your post about the rabbits...well, me and my mate could well be interested in helping out over the hols...I'm off now till the 8th January, so could probs nip up and see what we can do if it suits,. he has three great working ferrets and a terrier too...I have a shotgun for any runners. BTW, I'm in Falkirk, so, only 1.1/2 hrs away...:)

    Let me know what you think.


    Cheers and even if it doesnt suit...have a great christmas.



    1. Norrie


      Hi Mike....I'm going out today, works do sort of thing, so, if its ok, I'll contact you tomorrow morning, with a view to visiting very soon., and certainly get a couple of trips at least in before the 8th. I'd really be interested in more ferreting too.

      my moby is 07766077993...so you know who's contacting you.

      Talk soon.



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hiya, Literally just seen your post about the rabbits...well, me and my mate could well be interested in helping out over the hols...I'm off now till the 8th January, so could probs nip up and see what we can do if it suits,. he has three great working ferrets and a terrier too...I have a shotgun for any runners. BTW, I'm in Falkirk, so, only 1.1/2 hrs away...:)

    Let me know what you think.


    Cheers and even if it doesnt suit...have a great christmas.



    1. Norrie


      HI Again, meant to say, my mate live near Rait, so easy trip...and , neither of would want paying...just the rabbits we shoot for dog and ferret food would do.





    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Cant wait to get back out on the permission soon.(Weather permitting).

    1. Norrie


      Hi Jim, I'm out almst every day mate..got around 7 farms now...:).was out today, just messing around, as you do.,...decoying Pigeons, had a few...you should try a few decoys with the AG, works a treat,..:) and great fun too.

      Was out on a fox shoot yesterday( sat) and got one, hit one, killed one...well pleased...also, three weeks ago, had my first Deer at my farm about 5 mins from the house...loving this FAC/Shotun stuff...:)Shooting Squirrels with the FAC Rapid as well now..I'm ...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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