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Posts posted by RichS

  1. Saw a few Woodcock on the shoot i was picking up on yesterday, a couple were added to the bag but the best bird i saw all day was a Woodcock which jinked its way down half the line without having a feather knocked out of place, fantastic sight.

  2. I have a Springer and a Sprocker,


    I've been fairly lucky as they seem to complement each other, Springer is fearless, will face any cover and works himself into the ground whereas my Sprocker is steadier, a little more picky with the cover he faces but is an excellent bird finder/retriever. I know some people arent keen on crossing pure breeds but i've seen a lot of Sprockers on the shoots i've been on over the last couple of seasons and many of them are cracking dogs.


    A tough one to call and much depends on personal preference i guess.

  3. I bought a Bettinsoli Diamond a few months ago, love the gun and had no problems with it, although i've heard a few people have had trouble with the second barrel not firing or both barrels firing at once.


    Most people would probably go for a beretta though.

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