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Posts posted by Kev

  1. You read my mind Lazza how did you know I would blame it on the booze or fags.  After all I know you better than anyone when it comes to shooting (PM).


    For those that don’t know PM is an acronym Lazza made up on MS messenger for ******* Myself  Excuse the French

  2. Your right I don’t think they would like it but it depends if they have a patent on it.  If they don't want people to copy it they should charge a reasonable price.


    I know that there is a lot of development involve but the basic kit cant cost more then £50.00 its only an old wiper motor and some steel from the local fabrication company and they the tools to but it together.


  3. Hi


    I’ve got to agree with Lazza on this. I had a lesson just after Christmas and did not do to bad at all after a few pointers from the pro.  The problem I found was that when I returned to the pigeons a couple of days later I shoot like a real lemon for the first hour or so.  I went back to the way i was shooting before the lesson and my hit rate shoot right up.


    Maybe it was confidence I don’t know




  4. If I did then accept my apology John I didn’t mean to offend.  The point I was trying to make was that the pigeons change habits at the drop of a hat and you would need to be one to get it right every time.


    I’m sure you could supply us with a lot of good tips to help us and we would all appreciate them and you very much




  5. Lazza I meant rooting because thats what you spend the other half of your time doing (only jealous)


    When roosting with Lazza this evening the farmer had duped a load of manure if the field by the wood.  There sat 5 Maggies having a feast and poor old Lazza still didn’t get one.  It needed 1 more to make 6 for gold than he might of scored



    :(  :(

  6. I must say I've always had my doubts about these organised pigeon shooting days.  After all, when I’ve been out studying the birds seen were there going to and from and planned my days shooting for the next and you find things have changed.  So how can they guarantee any numbers because experience on these here bird tells you that habits change with the wind.


    Your much better of getting out there and finding some land of your to shoot.  The getting land tips in the main website is a good place to start and persevere .


    Here’s to better days



  7. I’ve go to agree with Tim here if nearly all your birds are taken at 25 - 30 yards then 1/4 or half is plenty if you use a tighter choke to help with distance birds you need to be much more accurate at close range as there is less spread on the pattern.  


    So you need to judge pigeon speed and lead given without much room for error if you stick to 3/4 and remember that a full on hit at close range means a harder hit bird.


    If you want cheap hide poles telescopic washing line props work but there a bit heavy to carry plus you’ll need to paint them a matt green or brown




  8. One day Lazza youll be quicker on the draw than me .  Also it saves you missing them. LOL LOL LOL  Will see what rooting brings on Saturday.


    1 for Sorrow Two for JOY


    Kev   :(

  9. Well just thought id let you guys know.  On mine and Lazza’s scouting trip we came across a farm that was massive in excess of 2000 acres growing everything from Rape to Peas Brussels to potatoes.  When we asked at the farm we spoke to the owner’s father who said he couldn’t give us permission and passed on the son’s phone number.  Unfortunately he said he was fixed up although we spotted lots of pigeons enjoying his crops a no shooters.  But say la vie.


    Well to try and cut along storey short.  The other day I was asked if I would go and look at a PC for the parents of a student as it had died and there farm was in the middle of all this land.  Unfortunately when I got there it was all beef and sheep, but I found the fault with the PC and arranged to repair it at cost price for the parts and petrol money while there I gave them a card with my details on but the only one I had with me was for pigeon shooting (hint hint). I went back today to fix it and they told me about this farmer friend he was talking to the other day who had a lot of land and was having a pigeon problem, so he his taking myself and ill drag Lazza along to introduce this Sunday.  And yes it’s the same farmer who said no.  So be polite because you never know what’s around the corner.


    Ill let you know how what happens Sunday.  Here’s hoping



    :)  :)   :)

  10. I’ve got a copy of the Ducks fighting back for those who haven’t seen it Its 2.8meg if you want a copy E-Mail me and i will forward it.


    It always makes me giggle  The next one will be a Fox with a tank taking on the hunters in Scotland and hopefully getting blown away by an A10 Tank buster flown by the Countryside Alliance LOL.

  11. Hi


    I’ve got the Intrique Camo Net In Realtree.  Its very light and folds down real small to put in a rucksack etc with Plastic decoys etc, magnet, battery.  It was a little pricey £66.95 for a 5ft by 12 Feet piece but really worth the money No bulky scrim to carry and the pigeons haven’t got a clue with it. 10 out of 10 in my book.


    I purchased mine from Target Sports of Bolton 01204 496008 and the service was excellent.  They advertise each month is Sporting Gum Magazine which is also excellent.


    Hope this helps



  12. Personally I think it adds to the camouflage as long as the flaps are not too biger bit like leaves blowing.  I had high wind today straight into the face under a tree in the middle of a field so mine was flapping about well but still managed a total of 69 in just over a couple of hours.  If it worries you try Bull Dog clips but dull then down with some matt paint first.

  13. Last Sunday the 27/01/02.  The forecast for the midlands was High winds to gale force and heavy rain.  When I woke I looked out and it was fine but I thought the rains coming so Im’ staying put.  I didn’t see a bit of rain all day.  What a waste!


    Today 03/02/02 the weather was forecast much the same but this time I went thinking ill get a couple of hours.  Well its now 3.30 and has it rained, has it Hell. The only reason I'm home is because I didn’t take a flask or a snack and by 12.30 I was in need of liquid refreshment.


    So the moral of this tale is always take a flask and a snack because the weather mans a ********.

  14. Well is this stuff good or what if you have read my report in the Midlands section you’ll see what i mean.  I still can’t believe that a pigeon hit me in the back as i stood up from bending over my magnet.


    It does cost a fair wedge but its worth the money when you can stand in a field and they cant tell its human.  Some might dispute the fact that I am human (Lazza) but there you go.


  15. In reply to the weather pigeons have to eat every day to keep warm.  Pigeons seem to do a better job at predicting the weather than the forecasters.  If the rain is intermittent they will sit in the trees and wait for a break in the rain, if its in for the day they will feed in it.  So it comes down to whether you want to get wet or not.  Shooting in high wind can be good fun. You miss a lot but the ones you hit a really satisfying.


    Have Fun     Kev


  16. Well  Me and Lazza shot the new land today and met a couple of other shooters.  One was a real ok guy but the other was a miserable old ***.  It pays to be nice as we now have the possibility of an invite to some more land where as the misery guts is going to sit and stew.  So always be polite and friendly as there is enough for all.  Good shooting.



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