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leeds chimp

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Posts posted by leeds chimp

  1. Appeal it 


    You DO NOT have to pay private tickets but you MUST go through the correct appeals process. 


    Once you appeal 98-99% drop it there and then 

    Some then send a few more  letters and give up 


    If anyone needs the appeal letter I have a few..... Also this has been covered many times on money programs and I hate people paying for this as the contracts are unenforceable 

  2. On 02/08/2018 at 21:34, Cant hit them all said:

    good tree surgery is not cheap and cheap tree surgery is not good. a well known firm in norfolk i know off who do alot of council contracts and nhs contracts  and few hi way projects know for a fact he charges 1 grand per man per day   and he have a 6 to 8 week waiting times constantly 

    you try and get unseasoned logs round here....got no chance

  3. 19 hours ago, Digger79 said:

    Definetely go the solicitor route, just sold my house after swapping estate agents, vendors had used first agents for viewing but used 2nd agent to reviewand make offer. As seller i wouldnt have names of people viewing so was unaware the first agent had introduced these people to my property,until i also had a bill from them, ended up paying 2 fees

    There was a court case on that one and the judge decided that only one set of fees need to be paid... 

    19 hours ago, Mice! said:

    what are your solicitor saying? The estate agent does nothing except find the buyer, this third EA may have bought the contracts from EA2 and you could end up with a letter you don't want with a big bill?

    If they have bought the contracts surely they should have done a formal introduction by letter or something... And don't I have a choice if they deal with it or not?  

  4. 21 minutes ago, Mungler said:

    This, as long as EA1 who made the first intro has no hooks into you and EA2 has gone bust bust ie there’s no one looking to collect or realise or assume that entities assets / business. Get a commercial solicitor from the Solicitors firm that’s doing your conveyancing work to look it over and approve your course of action - if they get it wrong their insured and you have a secuiry blanket.

    Or just crack on and hold the agents fee in an account ‘just in case’. The problem with that is if you have made a muddle of understanding the legal position and if there are penalty provisions for late / non payment of any EA fees (most contain a kicker that doubles or trebles the fee if it’s not paid within X days of completion) then it will get really expensive.

    So, be safe and see a proper solicitor.

    EA1 did the introduction but have now gone bust.... And have heard nothing from EA3 who were meant to take it all on.... Asked for copy contracts and details 4-5 times and not heard a thing.... 

    Just my view I have no contract with EA3 as never signed anything with them and no correspondence at all 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

    I'd read all of the terms from all of the estate agents, as EA1 found the people that are buying you may have to still pay their commission as well.

    We are in the process of changing estate agent and was advised by an estate agent friend to get a list of people the first estate agent had view the property for that very reason.

    EA1 has been liquidated.... And we have heard nothing from EA3


  6.  Bit of an interesting one... 


    Agreed to put our house on the market Sept 17 with EA1 ...had one viewing which went no where at the time.... Sent 2 letters of complaint about the service and agreed to part ways in Jan 18 with the contract null and void.  

    Signed up with EA2 who were great... 

    Then the viewers from EA1 came back with an offer which we accepted in March which was done verbally .... Was told would need a new contract as that EA had gone bust and all business had been transferred to EA3 .

    Asked for all relevant paperwork to be sent then but have received nothing at all... I have had no contact with EA3 despite sending 2 letters asking for paperwork etc to be sent.  


    Where do I stand with the fee?  As looking to complete next week but they have nothing in writing from me to say they could market the house and have not even dealt with it 

  7. On 25/03/2018 at 15:19, archi said:

    Try Ward Gethin Archer

    have used them in the past and all went well 


    Had a quote from them and they came up expensive... 

    Using a firm in Norwich who agreed to nearly match the online prices..... 

  8. 19 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    Just to give the opposing point of view on that. Near me for many years was a big double fronted fishing tackle shop. It was an Aladdin's Cave to me when I was a kid. They had everything you could ever want. Plus they sold shotgun cartridges and air pellets.

    The thing they had most of was knowledge, you could ask them anything and they took the time to explain things. They went bust a few years back and he directly blamed the internet. People would come in his shop, try all the different reels, or whatever, ask lots of questions and get lots of advice. Then they would go off and buy one ten pounds cheaper off ebay.

    He was a real gentleman 

    and that is the source of the problem....people are more willing to save a few ££ that keep a local business in work....


    I am doing the same...had online quotes for some work at about £3-3200 ......go to a local firm and its £4k+ ...so what would you do???

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